trav-d13 / Linux-Build

Automated Linux build script. Build my preferred Pop_OS! setup with downloaded software and settings

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pop!_OS / Ubuntu Installation

1. Update & Clone

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install git
git clone

2 Auto-Install

Using the script, run the following:


3. Binaries

a. Gradle

You can install gradle using apt install gradle but apt usually does not hold the most up to date gradle version; this can be found and installed below.

download binary here of (most recent at time of writing) then navigate to folder and run:

unzip                    // extract the files
sudo mv gradle-7.4.2 /opt/                    // move the files into /opt/ folder
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gradle-7.4.2/bin       // Set the path to the binary temporarily (in this shell)

For a permanent path edit: vim ~/.bashrc and add: PATH=$PATH:/opt/gradle-7.4.2/bin to the end of the file

You can test this by closing the terminal, opening a new one, and running gradle --version

Troublehsooting If the following error presents:

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred

ensure that the apt version of gradle has been removed using sudo apt remove gradle and test again.

b. Anaconda

Follow instructions at:

4. Software Manager

GNU Octave

5. Third Party Installers

a. Jetbrains

Download toolbox from

run sudo tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/jetbrains-toolbox-1.23.11731.tar.gz

move the extracted files to /opt/ using sudo mv jetbrains-toolbox-1.23.11731 /opt/

run using ./opt/jetbrains-toolbox-1.23.11731/jetbrains-toolbox

b. Nordpass

Download the snap using sudo snap install nordpass

c. NordVPN

Download the .deb from NordVPN and run: sudo apt install ./nordvpn-release_1.0.0_all.deb

d. Vitals

Open the Extension Manager (installed above automatically), search for Vitals and click Install. Full details avialable here:


Download the installer from then unzip the file and run the installer:


Ensure you set the directory to one outside of /root/ which seems to be the default, as this will cause a failed installation otherwise

6. Gnome Manual Extensions

a. Control Lock Screen Blur Effect

b. Cosmic Dock and Workspaces

c. Unblank Lock Screen

7. Git Setup

In order to set up Git credentials, execute the following commands:

a. Configure username

git config --global "Your Name"

b. Configure email

git config --global ""

c. Specify the Credential Cache Time

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=315360000'  # Cache for 10 years


Automated Linux build script. Build my preferred Pop_OS! setup with downloaded software and settings


Language:Shell 100.0%