trapflames / nlw-return-impulse

Project made in NLW Return 2022 by RocketSeat to send and store feedback from user. Built with Node, Vite, React, Prisma and Tailwind.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RocketSeat | Next Level Week Return | Impulse

Next Level Week is a yearly event created by RocketSeat.

The tech stack that they use the most is React, React Native and Node.

In this event, we created a widget to allow the users to send feedback and store in in a database.



You can find the layout of this project in this link.

You must create a Figma account to access, view and duplicate.





Test and Deploy


Clone repository

Create a new directory to place the repository

  cd my-directory

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd nlw-return-impulse-web

Start server

Open terminal, go to server folder and execute the following command:

  cd server

  npm run dev

If you want to check the feedback database, run npx prisma studio

Start web application

Open terminal, go to web folder and execute the following command:

  cd web

  npm run dev

You can now open http://localhost:3000/ and test locally

Start mobile

Open terminal, go to mobile folder and execute the following command:

  cd mobile

  expo start

Then open on your mobile device or emulator

Improvements checklist

  • Dark/Light theme switch button
  • Create feedback dashboard




Project made in NLW Return 2022 by RocketSeat to send and store feedback from user. Built with Node, Vite, React, Prisma and Tailwind.


Language:TypeScript 58.3%Language:HTML 19.5%Language:JavaScript 14.0%Language:CSS 8.2%