translaster / manjaro-user-guide

User guide for Manjaro Linux

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The Manjaro Linux Beginner's User Guide typeset in LaTeX (using LyX).

The style in use is tufte-book. This provides a very professional layout with minimal fuss.


Want a PDF instead of the source? Grab it on


To enable the tufte-book layout within LyX on Manjaro you will need to install the following packages:

sudo pacman -S lyx texlive-latexextra texlive-pictures ttf-comfortaa ghostscript

Installing LyX should pick up the base dependencies; tufte-book requires the extra libraries. Remember to reconfigure LyX after installing the new libraries!

Cover art

Current cover art is created in Inkscape. LyX will neatly insert/append PDF files - to make things easy cover art should therefore be exported as a PDF document.

Manjaro User Guide cover


Install ascii doc with:

pacman -S asciidoc


gem install Ascii85 -v 1.1.0

To Generate latex source

You can open terminal inside of asciidoc folder then

asciidoctor-latex manjaro-user-guide-2020-de-6.adoc


a2x -a lang=de -dbook  -v manjaro-user-guide-2020-de*.adoc

To generate pdf

asciidoctor-pdf -dbook -a lang=de -vv manjaro-user-guide-2020-de-6.adoc


a2x -v -I manjaro-user-guide-2020-de-6.a2x


To generate the PDF from a command line rather than exporting from within LyX you can use the following:

lyx --export pdflatex manjaro-user-guide.lyx
pdflatex manjaro-user-guide
texindy --language english manjaro-user-guide.idx
pdflatex manjaro-user-guide
pdflatex manjaro-user-guide
gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -sOutputFile=manjaro-user-guide-printer.pdf manjaro-user-guide.pdf

Yes, pdflatex does require multiple runs.


K. Günther(converted the latest english source code to asciidoc and make than a translation. Also, He added some enhancements and updates and made German version of the guide.)

Feel free to develop a style for better looking output!


User guide for Manjaro Linux