transitive-bullshit / restate-sdk-typescript

Restate SDK for JavaScript/Typescript

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Restate Typescript SDK

Restate is a system for easily building resilient applications using distributed durable async/await. This repository contains the Restate SDK for writing services in Node.js / Typescript.

Restate applications are composed of durably executed, stateful RPC handlers that can run either as part of long-running processes, or as FaaS (AWS Lambda).

// note that there is no failure handling in this example, because the combination of durable execution,
// communication, and state storage makes this unnecessary here.
const addToCart = async (ctx: restate.RpcContext, cartId: string /* the key */, ticketId: string) => {
  // RPC participates in durable execution, so guaranteed to eventually happen and
  // will never get duplicated. would suspend if the other takes too long
  const success = await ctx.rpc<ticketApi>({ path: "tickets" }).reserve(ticketId);

  if (success) {
    const cart = (await ctx.get<string[]>("cart")) || []; // gets state 'cart' bound to current cartId
    ctx.set("cart", cart);                                // writes state bound to current cartId

    // reliable delayed call sent from Restate, which also participaes in durable execution
    ctx.sendDelayed<cartApi>({path: "cart"}, minutes(15)).expireTicket(ticketId);
  return success;


  .bindKeyedRouter("cart", restate.keyedRouter({ addToCart, expireTicket }))

Restate takes care of:

  • reliable execution: handlers will always run to completion. Intermediate failures result in re-tries that use the durable execution mechanism to recover partial progress and not duplicate already executed steps.
  • suspending handlers: long-running handlers suspend when awaiting on a promise (or when explicitly sleeping) and resume when that promise is resolved. Lambdas finish, services may scale down.
  • reliable communication: handlers communicate with exactly-once semantics. Restate reliably delivers messages and anchors both sender and receiver in the durable execution to ensure no losses or duplicates can happen.
  • durable timers: handlers can sleep (and suspend) or schedule calls for later.
  • isolation: handlers can be keyed, which makes Restate scheduled them to obey single-writer-per-key semantics.
  • state: keyed handlers can attach key/value state, which is eagerly pushed into handlers during invocation, and written back upon completion. This is particularly efficient for FaaS deployments (stateful serverless, yay!).
  • observability & introspection: Restate automatically generates Open Telemetry traces for the interactions between handlers and gives you a SQL shell to query the distributed state of the application.
  • gRPC support: Handlers may optionally be defined as gRPC services, and Restate will act as the transport layer for the services/clients in that case.

Check Restate GitHub or the docs for further details.

Using the SDK

To use this SDK, simply add the dependency to your project:

npm install @restatedev/restate-sdk

For brand-new projects, we recommend using the Restate Node Template:

npx -y @restatedev/create-app

Contributing to the SDK


Building the SDK

Install the dependencies, build the Restate protocol types (from ProtoBuf), and transpile the TypeScript code:

npm install
npm run proto
npm run build

If everything goes well, the artifact would be created at dist/.

Testing Changes

Run the tests via

npm run test

Run the formatter and linter via

npm run format
npm run lint

Launch a sample program (requires no build)

npm run example

Testing end-to-end with Restate Runtime

This requires the Docker Engine to launch the Restate runtime for testing.

Start the runtime in a Docker container and tell Restate about the example service. This requires the example to be running, to make the discovery succeed!

  • On Linux:
    docker run --name restate_dev --rm --network=host
    curl -X POST http://localhost:9070/endpoints -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"uri": "http://localhost:9080"}'
  • On macOS:
    docker run --name restate_dev --rm -p 9070:9070 -p 8080:8080
    curl -X POST http://localhost:9070/endpoints -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"uri": "http://host.docker.internal:9080"}'

Invoke the example service from the command line:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/greeter/greet -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Pete"}'

Releasing the package

Releasing via release-it

Releasing a new npm package from this repo requires:

npm run release
# now select what type of release you want to do and say yes to the rest of the options

The actual npm publish is run by GitHub actions once a GitHub release is created.

Releasing manually

  1. Bump the version field in package.json to X.Y.Z
  2. Create and push a tag of the form vX.Y.Z to the upstream repository
  3. Create a new GitHub release

Creating the GitHub release will trigger npm publish via GitHub actions.

After having created a new SDK release, you need to:

  1. Update and release the tour of Restate
  2. Update the Typescript SDK and Tour version in the documentation and release it
  3. Update and release the Node template generator
  4. Update the examples


Restate SDK for JavaScript/Typescript

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 99.9%Language:JavaScript 0.1%