trane293 / animation_course_project

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A Comparison of Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

Submission For:

  • Course: CMPT 888 Computer Animation
  • Instructor: Dr. KangKang Yin
  • Term: Spring 2018
  • University: Simon Fraser University

Submission By:

  • Name: Anmol Sharma
  • Email:
  • University: Simon Fraser University


Folder Structure

  • logs contains log files generated during of various DRL agents
  • modules contains custom definitions of DRL agents
  • notebooks contains practice/prototype notebooks for rapid experimentation and prototyping
  • weights contains saved pre-trained model weights corresponding to each agent and their experiments

How to Run (Individual Agents Training/Testing)

The file is capable of loading, training and testing all the agents defined inside the custom_agents file in modules.

For example, if you want to train a DDPG agent on MountainCarContinuous-v0 environment from OpenAI Gym for 1000 episodes while visualizing the training process, you'd write the following:

python --gym_id MountainCarContinuous-v0 --agent DDPG --episodes 1000 --exp exp_test

To test a pre-trained policy on an environment:

python --gym_id MountainCarContinuous-v0 --agent DDPG --load ./weights/DDPG/<exp_name>/

How to Run (Reproduce Experiments in Report)

The experiments are divided into three task:

Experiment Name Environment #Episodes
exp_1 HalfCheetah-v2 15000
exp_2 Walker2d-v2 15000
exp_3 Hopper-v2 15000

Three shell scripts by the names:

are included in the folder. Running these scripts will run the three experiments corresponding to each agent and each supported environment according to the table above.



Language:Python 47.6%Language:Jupyter Notebook 46.4%Language:Shell 6.0%