Little Program for ESP82XX to get the Victron data to web and MQTT
- captive portal for wifi and MQTT config
- config in webinterface
- get essential data over webinterface, get all data like cell voltage and more over MQTT
- get Json over web at /livejson?
- firmware update over webinterface
- Homeassistant Discovery
Main screen:
- flash the bin file to an ESP8266 (recommended Wemos D1 Mini) with Tasmotizer
- connect the ESP like the wiring diagram
- search for the wifi ap "Victron2MQTT-AP" and connect to it
- surf to and set up your wifi and optional MQTT
- that's it :)
You are welcome to get fully stocked and tested PCB's. These are then already loaded with the lastest firmware. The earnings from the PCBs are used for the further development of existing and new projects.
If interested see here