tpitale / convoy

Elixir library to handle common Kinesis behaviors

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Convoy wraps and adapts different queue/stream systems, starting with AWS Kinesis.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding convoy to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:convoy, "~> 0.1.0"}

Starting a Queue

Any Queue should be supervised, so add it to your supervision tree. Or, if you need to start one after startup, you can make use of DynamicSupervisor.

{Convoy.Queue, [stream: :your_stream_name]}

Attaching a Handler

  stream_id :: binary | atom,
  handler_id :: binary,
  info :: map

Where handler_function has an arity of 2 and accepts an individual record along with the info map you pass in (useful for later matching your function).

Any time a call to Convoy.Queue.get will notify these handlers with records.

Queue Configuration

The only required option is stream. The stream option will be used as the stream_id, if none is provided.

If you wish to connect to the same stream multiple times, you have to pass a stream_id. It is not possible to use the same stream as the identifier.

# Defaults
  stream: nil,
  stream_id: nil,
  service: Convoy.Services.Kinesis,
  batch_timeout: 5000,
  poll_interval: nil,
  iterator_type: :latest

Batch Timeout

If you wish to disable batching, or increase the frequency of batches transmitting to the service, you can change the batch_timeout option from the default of 5 seconds. This value is configured in ms, so 5000 is 5 seconds.

Setting this value to 0 will disable batching.

Poll Interval

Disabled by default, setting the poll_interval value will configure the Queue to poll for new records at that interval. You'll want to combine this with calls to attach_handler/4. Polling will begin only after there is at least one handler attached for the stream_id. If all handlers are detached, polling will stop.


At this time, Convoy only supports Kinesis, but you can write your own service that fulfills the Convoy.Service behaviour.

TODO: Planned support for services like SQS and Kafka.

Kinesis Configuration

If using Kinesis, configure the underlying ex_aws_kinesis library in your dev.exs:

config :ex_aws,
  debug_requests: true,
  kinesis: %{
    host: "localhost",
    port: 4567,
    scheme: "http://",
    access_key_id: [{:system, "KINESIS_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"}, :instance_role],
    secret_access_key: [{:system, "KINESIS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"}, :instance_role]

Local Development

We recommend running Kinesalite locally for development.

{:ok, response} = ExAws.Kinesis.describe_stream("device_service_dev") |> ExAws.request
shard_id = response["StreamDescription"]["Shards"] |> hd() |> Map.get("ShardId")

{:ok, iterator} = ExAws.Kinesis.get_shard_iterator("device_service_dev", shard_id, :latest) |> ExAws.request

# get the shard id and iterator at gen_server/gen_stage init

{:ok, response} = ExAws.Kinesis.get_records(iterator["ShardIterator"], %{limit: 10}) |> ExAws.request

# includes the next shard iterator … store in database in case we crash

# route the work to the next gen_stage based on the partition key

# is there any way to filter records on partition key?

Convoy.Queue.put("device_service_dev", "devices", "{}")


Elixir library to handle common Kinesis behaviors


Language:Elixir 100.0%