tpitale / advocate-provision

Docker Compose/Swarm Provisioning for Advocate & Advocate Bridge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Includes docker-compose settings and nginx dockerfile to run Advocate and Advocate Bridge.

Set up


Set your $DOCKER_REGISTRY to the same registry you used for advocate, advocate-bridge, and advocate-nginx.

Note: we advise installing autoenv (on macOS brew install autoenv) which loads .env when you cd into the project

  1. cp .env.sample .env
  2. Edit .env with your settings for postgres, rails/mix envs, and the servers you want to use
  3. Edit /etc/hosts to point the server names you used in Step 2 (e.g. to your local machine

These environment variables will all be passed to the appropriate containers by compose.

Run Compose Locally

To run everything together you can us make run. This will:

  1. start a postgres DB
  2. run advocate
  3. run advocate bridge
  4. run the nginx proxy

Locally, this will be available on port 8080.


  1. Deploy this compose file to a docker swarm in production

Set up NGINX

Only if you want to run each service individually will you need to do the next phase.

  1. cd advocate-nginx
  2. cp .env.sample .env
  3. Edit each to set the server names you want to use in nginx


make release

Run Locally

make run


  1. use --build-arg with environment variables to create the nginx site config

multi-env options

  1. env_file loaded from ENV variable for DEPLOY_ENV=

  2. multiple compose files stacked together

  3. ...

  4. Each dockerfile takes a build arg for build_env 2a. compose can build, passing that build arg 2b. compose only pulls from iamges with a env tag

Small script to switch .env between and .env.development Prepends the BUILD_ENV=$1 Write out as .env in current directory Sources .env

Setting up the swarm (assuming docker 17.04+ installed)

  1. create 2 or 3 nodes (I used, one manager, one application, and one database
  2. ssh to manager
  3. docker swarm init --advertise-addr {VPS_PRIVATE_IP}
  4. Copy the command to join the swarm
  5. ssh to application and database, and paste the docker swarm join --token ... command
  6. Back on the manager node, assign roles to each hostname e.g.:
  7. docker node update --label-add role=database {DATABASE_SERVER_HOSTNAME}
  8. docker node update --label-add role=application {APPLICATION_SERVER_HOSTNAME

Production Deploy (on Manager node)

  1. curl -O
  2. curl > .env
  3. vi .env to set your variables
  4. set -a; source .env; set +a
  5. docker login $DOCKER_REGISTRY
  6. docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth --compose-file=docker-compose.yml advocate # each time you update

Run db setup once, or migrations as needed from the Application node:

  1. docker exec advocate_advocate.1.{CONTAINER_ID} bin/rake db:setup --trace
  2. docker exec advocate_advocate.1.{CONTAINER_ID} bin/rake db:migrate


From Manager node

  • docker stack services advocate
  • docker stack ps advocate

From Application node in swarm

  • docker exec advocate_advocate.1.{CONTAINER_ID} tail -f /app/log/puma.stderr.log
  • docker exec advocate_advocate.1.{CONTAINER_ID} tail -f /app/log/prod.log


Docker Compose/Swarm Provisioning for Advocate & Advocate Bridge


Language:Makefile 57.3%Language:Nginx 42.7%