This codebase uses docker
and docker-compose
to build and run inside virtual
containers. To get started, all you need is to have docker
installed (see for installation instructions).
If you make any changes to package.json, make sure to docker-compose down
and then
docker-compose up
again to get the docker container to rebuild and restart. This will
trigger the JS dependencies to be updated.
Run docker-compose up
to build and launch both the backend and the frontend app. The backend is located at http://localhost:4000. The frontend server is located at http://localhost:3000.
| |__graphQLClient.ts (GraphQL Client instance)
|__components (For resuable-components)
| |__LoadingSpinner.tsx
| |__phoneBook.tsx (Context for phoneBook)
| |__Phonebook
| |__components
| | |__addContactModal.tsx (Modal for adding or updating)
| | |__contactList.tsx (List for contacts where you are able to edit or delete)
| |__hooks
| | |__useMutationAddContact.ts (Create a contact)
| | |__useMutationDeleteContact.ts (Delete a contact)
| | |__useMutationUpdateContact.ts (Update a contact)
| | |__useQueryGetContacts.ts (Read all contacts)
| |__index.tsx
|__theme.ts (Material UI theme custom variables)
Utilized libraries : Material UI
, react-query
, graphql
, typescript
| |__init_pg.sql (Init scripts for postgreSQL)
| |__database
| | |__migrations (DB migration script)
| | |__seeds (Seeds for initialize)
| | |__db.ts (Returning DB pool instance)
| | |__knexfile.ts (knex configuration)
| |__schemas
| | |__contacts.ts (Contact schema)
| |__services
| | |__contacts.ts (Service for contact)
| |__index.ts
|__dev.sqlite3 (sqlite3 db for development)
Utlized libraries : knex
, graphql
, typescript
, sqlite3
, @apollo/server
- Initial db file has been created alreayd by scripts of seed and migration. (dev.sqlite3)
- Availiable npm scripts are defined inside the
is being used but the problem is we can't use thewherILike
this means, while querying the contacts, we are doingcase-sensitive
search. While testing search functionality, please be aware of this one.