tpetr / go-appneta

AppNeta instrumentation for Go (aka Golang)

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TraceView for Go

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AppNeta TraceView provides distributed tracing and code-level application performance monitoring. This repository provides instrumentation for Go, which allows Go-based applications to be monitored using TraceView.

Go support is currently in beta (though we run the instrumentation to process data in our production environment!) so please share any feedback you have; PRs welcome. Read more about this release in our blog post announcing our Go instrumentation.

Getting started


To get tracing, you'll need a a (free) TraceView account.

In the product install flow, choose to skip the webserver and select any language. (You'll notice the absence of Go because we're currently in beta.)

Follow the instructions during signup to install the Host Agent (“tracelyzer”). This will also install the liboboe and liboboe-dev packages on your platform.

Then, install the following:

  • Go >= 1.5
  • This package: go get

The install flow will wait for 5 traces to come in from your app. You can check out the demo app below to get a quick start. One you have 5, you can progress to your account's overview page.

Building your app with tracing

By default, no tracing occurs unless you build your app with the build tag “traceview”. Without it, calls to this API are no-ops, allowing for precise control over which deployments are traced. To build and run with tracing enabled, you must do so on a host with TraceView's packages installed. Once the liboboe-dev (or liboboe-devel) package is installed you can build your service as follows:

 $ go build -tags traceview

Instrumenting your application

Usage examples

The simplest integration option is this package's tv.HTTPHandler wrapper. This will monitor the performance of the provided http.HandlerFunc, visualized with latency distribution heatmaps filterable by dimensions such as URL host & path, HTTP status & method, server hostname, etc. tv.HTTPHandler will also continue a distributed trace described in the incoming HTTP request headers (from TraceView's automatic C#/.NET, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Scala instrumentation) through to the HTTP response.

package main

import (


var startTime = time.Now()

func normalAround(ts, stdDev time.Duration) time.Duration {
	return time.Duration(rand.NormFloat64()*float64(stdDev)) + ts

func slowHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	time.Sleep(normalAround(2*time.Second, 100*time.Millisecond))
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Slow request, path: %s", r.URL.Path)

func increasinglySlowHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// getting slower at a rate of 1ms per second
	offset := time.Duration(float64(time.Millisecond) * time.Now().Sub(startTime).Seconds())
	time.Sleep(normalAround(time.Second+offset, 100*time.Millisecond))
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Slowing request, path: %s", r.URL.Path)

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/slow", tv.HTTPHandler(slowHandler))
	http.HandleFunc("/slowly", tv.HTTPHandler(increasinglySlowHandler))
	http.ListenAndServe(":8899", nil)

sample_app screenshot

To monitor more than just the overall latency of each request to your Go service, you will need to break a request's processing time down by placing small benchmarks into your code. To do so, first start or continue a Trace (the root Layer), then create a series of Layer spans (or Profile timings) to capture the time used by different parts of the app's stack as it is processed.

TraceView provides two ways of measuring time spent by your code: a Layer can measure e.g. a single DB query or cache request, an outgoing HTTP or RPC request, the entire time spent within a controller method, or the time used by a middleware method between calls to child Layers. A Profile provides a named measurement of time spent inside a Layer, and is typically used to measure a single function call or code block, e.g. to represent the time used by expensive computation(s) occurring in a Layer. Layers can be created as children of other Layers, but a Profile cannot have children.

TraceView identifies a reported Layer's type from its key-value pairs; if keys named "Query" and "RemoteHost" are used, a Layer is assumed to measure the extent of a DB query. KV pairs can be appended to Layer and Profile extents as optional extra variadic arguments to methods such as BeginLayer() or BeginProfile(), Info(), and End(). We also provide helper methods such as BeginQueryLayer(), BeginCacheLayer(), BeginRemoteURLLayer(), BeginRPCLayer(), and BeginHTTPClientLayer() that match the spec in our custom instrumentation docs to report attributes associated with different types of service calls, used for indexing TraceView's filterable charts and latency heatmaps.

func slowFunc(ctx context.Context) {
    // profile a slow function call
    defer tv.BeginProfile(ctx, "slowFunc").End()
    // ... do something slow

func myHandler() {
    // create new tv.Layer and context.Context for this part of the request
    L, ctxL := tv.BeginLayer(ctx, "myHandler")
    defer L.End()

    // profile a slow part of this tv.Layer

    // Start a new Layer, given a parent layer
    mL, _ := L.BeginLayer("myMiddleware")
    // ... do something slow ...

    // Start a new query Layer, given a context.Context
    q1L := tv.BeginQueryLayer(ctxL, "myDB", "SELECT * FROM tbl1", "postgresql", "")
    // perform a query

func processRequest() {
    // Create tv.Trace and bind to new context.Context
    ctx := tv.NewContext(context.Background(), tv.NewTrace("myApp"))
    myHandler(ctx) // Dispatch handler for request

Distributed tracing and context propagation

A TraceView trace is defined by a context (a globally unique ID and metadata) that is persisted across the different hosts, processes, languages and methods that are used to serve a request. Thus to start a new Layer you need either a Trace or another Layer to begin from. (The Trace interface is also the root Layer, typically created when a request is first received.) Each new Layer is connected to its parent, so you should begin new child Layers from parents in a way that logically matches your application; for more information see our custom layer documentation.

The Go blog recommends propagating request context using the package "At Google, we require that Go programmers pass a Context parameter as the first argument to every function on the call path between incoming and outgoing requests." Frameworks like Gin and Gizmo use Context implementations, for example. We provide helper methods that allow a Trace to be associated with a context.Context interface; for example, tv.BeginLayer returns both a new Layer and an associated context, and tv.Info(ctx) and tv.End(ctx) both use the Layer defined in the provided context.

It is not required to work with context.Context to trace your app, however. You can also use just the Trace, Layer, and Profile interfaces directly, if it better suits your instrumentation use case.

func runQuery(ctx context.Context, query string) {
    l := tv.BeginQueryLayer(ctx, "myDB", query, "postgresql", "")
    // .. execute query ..

func main() {
    // create trace and bind to new context
    ctx := tv.NewContext(context.Background(), tv.NewTrace("myApp"))

    // pass the root layer context to runQuery

    // end trace


The GO_TRACEVIEW_TRACING_MODE environment variable may be set to "always", "through", or "never".

  • Mode "always" is the default, and will instruct TraceView to consider sampling every inbound request for tracing.
  • Mode "through" will only continue traces started upstream by inbound requests, when a trace ID is available in the request metadata (e.g. an "X-Trace" HTTP header).
  • Mode "never" will disable tracing, and will neither start nor continue traces.


In addition to distributed tracing and latency measurement, this package also provides Go metrics monitoring for runtime metrics such as memory and number of goroutines. Below is a screenshot from our blog's release announcement of a latency heatmap underlaid with memory metrics, just after fixing a memory leak and restarting a service inside a staging environment.

Help and examples


While we use TraceView to trace our own production Go services, this version of our Go instrumentation is currently in beta and under active development. We welcome your feedback, issues and feature requests, and please contact us at!

Demo app

If you have installed TraceView and the this package, you can run the sample “web app” included with go-appneta:

cd $GOPATH/src/
go run -tags traceview main.go

A web server will run on port 8899. It doesn’t do much, except wait a bit and echo back your URL path:

$ curl http://localhost:8899/hello
Slow request... Path: /hello

You should see these requests appear on your TraceView dashboard.


Copyright (c) 2016 AppNeta, Inc.

Released under the AppNeta Open License, Version 1.0


AppNeta instrumentation for Go (aka Golang)



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