tpakeman / looker_deploy_git_action

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A python script to deploy a github reference to a Looker production instance, and copy all LookML dashboards into a folder.

Triggered by a PR on Github using Github Actions

Set up

  • This is based on the workflow defined here:
  • Ensure your Looker environment is correctly configured based on the above instructions:
    • Create API users on both production and development environments. We need to ensure these users have permission to see LookML dashboards and to write to the target folder
    • Set up the git connection for the two Looker instances as follows:
      • Development should take place on the development instance and changes should be deployed to the default 'master' branch
      • 'Advanced Deploy Mode' should be used in the production instance and a specific branch should be chosen to use as production. Make note of this name
    • Ensure the 'LookML Dashboard Organization' Labs feature is enabled in dev + prod - this will allow us move LookML dashboards into different folders.
  • Copy the files + folders in the .github folder here into your LookML project repository
  • Set the Looker API credentials (id, secret and URL) for both dev + prod environments as secrets in the github repository:
    • The development secrets should be saved with the names LOOKER_CLIENT_ID_1, LOOKER_CLIENT_SECRET_1, LOOKER_BASE_URL_1
    • The production secrets should be saved with the names LOOKER_CLIENT_ID_2, LOOKER_CLIENT_SECRET_2, LOOKER_BASE_URL_2
  • Ensure you read through the 'Configuration' section below to correctly use this tool

What this does

  • This compares the current state of instance 1 against instance 2
    • Fetches all of the LookML dashboards defined in both instances and the folders they live in
      • NOTE - this will only look at those dashboards visible to the API-calling user, so Admin API credentials are preferable, and this will not see LookML dashboard files that have not been included in any model file
    • Compare the two instances to find:
      • (a) dashboards that are net new, i.e. dashboards that exist in instance 1 and not in instance 2 (as identified by their id, i.e. model_name::dashboard_name)
      • (b) dashboards that exist in both instances, but do not reside in the target folder
        • NOTE - There is a command line flag regarding what to do with these (see below)
    • Dashboards that have been deleted should be handled automatically by Looker and do not need treatment here


  • All code is controlled by the /.github/worflows directory
  • The looker_deploy.yml file dictates how Github executes this script.
  • By default, this is triggered when a pull request is merged into a branch named prod. This can be changed by editing lines 3-5 in the yaml file
  • When a PR is merged into the prod branch, the script will be executed
  • This script uses command line arguments which can be edited in the yaml file. Please change the following:
    • --project_id or -p, Name of the Production Looker Project Required
    • --release_branch or -b, Identifier for the git ref or branch to deploy to production mode on the production Looker instance Required
    • --lookml_folder or -f, ID of the target destination folder for LookML dashboards Required
    • --handle_moved_dashboards or -m A flag - if you include this all LookML dashboards not in the target folder in the production instance will be moved there. If ommitted, only net new LookML dashboards will be moved to this folder.
  • These arguments do not need to be configured as they read the github secrets we defined earlier:
    • --looker_sdk_1: Credentials for SDK1 (id, secret, url in that order)
    • --looker_sdk_2: Credentials for SDK2 (id, secret, url in that order)


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%