toyobayashi / ty

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Zero config CLI bundler based on webpack for web, nodejs and electron application.


  • Local

    1. Install

      $ npm install -D @tybys/ty webpack webpack-dev-server
    2. Writing scripts in package.json

        "scripts": {
          "serve": "ty serve",
          "build": "ty build"
  • Global

    1. Install

      $ npm install -g @tybys/ty
    2. Run in project root directory

      $ ty build


  • build - Bundle production code. Default output directory: dist or resources/app.
  • serve - Start local development server.
  • watch - Watch source code and write bundled code to local files.
  • inspect - Inspect webpack config.
  • vscode - Generate or modify .vscode/launch.json.
  • dev - [Electron project only] Start local development server and launch electron.
  • pack - [Electron project only] Pack application. Default output directory: dist.
  • start - [Electron project only] Launch electron.


tyconfig.js or tyconfig.ts in your project root directory. If you want to use typescript to write configuration, you need to install ts-node first.

  • mode {'development' | 'production'} Default: 'production' for build and pack, 'development' for other command.

  • devServerHost {string} For serve and dev. Default: 'localhost'.

  • devServerPort {number} For serve and dev. Default: 8090.

  • devServerOpenBrowser {boolean | string} Web project only. For serve and dev. Default: false.

  • target {'web' | 'electron' | 'node'} If electron in your devDependencies it is 'electron', otherwise it is 'web'.

  • entry - Must be absolute path. Default:

    const path = require('path')
    const projectRoot = path.join(config.context || process.env.TY_CONTEXT || process.cwd())
    module.exports = {
      entry: {
        web: {
          app: [path.join(projectRoot, 'src/index')]
        node: {
          main: [path.join(projectRoot, 'src/index')]
        renderer: {
          renderer: [path.join(projectRoot, 'src/renderer/renderer')]
        main: {
          main: [path.join(projectRoot, 'src/main/main')]
        preload: null
  • output - Default:

    module.exports = {
      output: {
        web: 'dist',
        node: 'dist',
        renderer: `${localResourcesPath}/app/renderer`,
        main: `${localResourcesPath}/app/main`,
        preload: `${localResourcesPath}/app/preload`
  • contentBase {string} For webpack-dev-server. Default: 'dist' (web target) or 'resources' (electron target).

  • localResourcesPath {string} Simulate electron's resources directory in local development. Default: 'local_resources'.

  • extraResourcesPath {string} Extra contents to be copied to resources dir. Default: 'resources'.

  • publicPath {string} Default: '/' (web target) or '/app/renderer/' (electron target) in development environment, '' in production.

  • staticDir {string} Be copied to web root. Default: 'public'.

  • distPath {string} For pack command. Default: 'dist'.

  • iconSrcDir {string} For pack command. Application icons:

      ├── 16x16.png (linux)
      ├── 24x24.png (linux)
      ├── 32x32.png (linux)
      ├── 48x48.png (linux)
      ├── 64x64.png (linux)
      ├── 128x128.png (linux)
      ├── 256x256.png (linux)
      ├── 512x512.png (linux)
      ├── 1024x1024.png (linux)
      ├── app.ico (windows)
      └── app.icns (mac)
  • indexHtml {any[]} Pass to HtmlWebpackPlugin. Default: ['public/index.html'].

  • assetsPath {string} Where the static assets should be output. Relative to output. Default: ''.

  • arch {string} For pack command. Default: process.arch.

  • inno - For windows. Default:

    module.exports = {
      inno: {
        src: '', // custom inno script path.
        appid: {
          ia32: '', // UUID
          x64: '' // UUID
        url: '', // display in installer
        def: {} // declare inno script variable
  • vue {undefined | 0 | 1} Force to use Vue.js or not. Default: undefined.

  • webpack {undefined | number} Force to specify the webpack version. Default: undefined.

  • ts {undefined | 0 | 1} Force to use typescript or not. Default: undefined.

  • eslint {undefined | 0 | 1} Force to use ESLint or not. Default: undefined.

  • sass {undefined | 0 | 1} Force to use sass or not. Default: undefined.

  • less {undefined | 0 | 1} Force to use less or not. Default: undefined.

  • stylus {undefined | 0 | 1} Force to use stylus or not. Default: undefined.

  • generate {undefined | 0 | 1} Force to generate missing files or not. Default: undefined.

  • context {string} Project root directory. Default: ''.

  • progress {boolean} Show progress. Default: false.

  • define {{ [key: string]: string }} Pass to webpack.DefinePlugin. Default: {}.

  • devtool {{ development: string; production: string }} Pass to webpackConfig.devtool in different mode. Default: { development: 'eval-source-map', production: 'source-map' }.

  • productionSourcemap {boolean} Whether to generate sourcemap in production mode. Default: false.

  • extractcss {undefined | 0 | 1} Whether to extract CSS. Default: undefined.

  • cssLoaderOptions {any} Default: {}.

  • postcssLoaderOptions {any} Default: {}.

  • stylusLoaderOptions {any} Default: {}.

  • lessLoaderOptions {any} Default: {}.

  • sassLoaderOptions {any} Default: {}.

  • eslintPluginOptions {any} Default: {}.

  • alias {{ [name: string]: string }} Pass to webpackConfig.resolve.alias. Default: { '@': path.join(config.context || process.env.TY_CONTEXT || process.cwd(), 'src') }

  • tsconfig - For TypeScript project. Default:

    module.exports = {
      tsconfig: {
        web: 'tsconfig.json',
        node: 'tsconfig.json',
        renderer: 'src/renderer/tsconfig.json',
        main: 'src/main/tsconfig.json',
        preload: 'src/preload/tsconfig.json'
  • proxy - Pass to webpack-dev-server. Default: {}.

  • packHook - For electron packing process. Default: undefined.

    module.exports = {
       packHook: {
         beforeBuild (config) {},
         beforeBuildCopy (config, copyPaths) {},
         beforeWritePackageJson (config, pkg) { return pkg },
         beforeInstall (config, tempAppDir) {},
         afterInstall (config, tempAppDir) {},
         beforeZip (config, appDir) {},
         afterZip (config, zipPath) {}
  • packTempAppDir - Temp app dir when packing. Default: path.join(distPath, '_app').

  • packagerOptions - Pass to electron-packager. Default: {}.

  • asarOptions - Pass to asar.createPackageWithOptions(). Default: { unpack: '*.node' }.

  • nodeModulesAsar - Pack node_modules to node_modules.asar and place it with app.asar together. Default: false.

  • nodeExternals - Pass to webpack-node-externals. Default: { allowlist: ['tslib'] }.

  • prune - For pruning node_modules folder after electron packing process. See @tybys/prune-node-modules. Default: { production: true }.

  • statsOptions - For webpack output. Default:

    module.exports = {
      statsOptions: {
        colors: true,
        children: false,
        modules: false,
        entrypoints: false
  • terserPlugin - For terser-webpack-plugin. Default:

    module.exports = {
      terserPlugin: {
        parallel: true,
        extractComments: false,
        terserOptions: {
          ecma: 2018,
          output: {
            comments: false,
            beautify: false
  • htmlMinify - For html-webpack-plugin minify option. Default:

    module.exports = {
      htmlMinify: {
        removeComments: true,
        collapseWhitespace: true,
        removeAttributeQuotes: true,
        collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
        removeScriptTypeAttributes: true
  • cssOptimize - Pass to new CssMinimizerWebpackPlugin(cssOptimize). Default:

    module.exports = {
      cssOptimize: {
        minimizerOptions: {
          preset: [
              mergeLonghand: false,
              cssDeclarationSorter: false
  • configureWebpack - Modify webpack config. Default:

    module.exports = {
      configureWebpack: {
        // web (webConfig: WebpackConfiguration): void
        web (webConfig) {}, 
        // node (nodeConfig: WebpackConfiguration): void
        node (nodeConfig) {}, 
        // renderer (rendererConfig: WebpackConfiguration): void
        renderer (rendererConfig) {},
        // main (mainConfig: WebpackConfiguration): void
        main (mainConfig) {},
        // preload (preloadConfig: WebpackConfiguration): void
        preload (preloadConfig) {}
  • command - Your custom command. Default: undefined

    module.exports = {
      command: {
        // [command: string]: (
        //   tyconfig: TyConfig,
        //   args: minimist.ParsedArgs,
        //   getCommand: (command: string) => undefined | ((tyconfig: TyConfig) => void)
        // ) => void
        hello (tyconfig, args, getCommand) {


  • --mode
  • --target
  • --arch
  • --webpack - Force to specify webpack version.
  • --ts - Force to use typescript or not.
  • --vue - Force to use vue or not.
  • --eslint - Force to use eslint or not.
  • --sass - Force to use sass or not.
  • --less - Force to use less or not.
  • --stylus - Force to use stylus or not.
  • --generate - Force to generate missing files or not.
  • --context - Project root directory.
  • --dev-server-port
  • --dev-server-host
  • --dev-server-open-browser
  • --production-sourcemap
  • --css-module
  • --progress - Show progress.
  • --config - CLI only. Specify tyconfig file path.
  • --define.PRE_DEFINE_VARIABLE='value' - Predefine.


  • ESLint / Babel / PostCSS will be loaded in webpack if there are config files such as .eslintrc.js / babel.config.js / postcss.config.js in your project root directory.

  • In most cases you don't need to config anything except ESLint / Babel / PostCSS.

  • TypeScript support is out of box. Just write your tsconfig.json in project root directory. But in electron project, you should write different tsconfig.json for main process and renderer process, default in src/renderer/tsconfig.json and src/main/tsconfig.json.

  • Use ESLint to check typescript code instead of TSLint.


See example folder.


  • MIT



Language:JavaScript 90.9%Language:TypeScript 6.6%Language:Inno Setup 1.3%Language:HTML 0.6%Language:Vue 0.5%