touhidulshawan / portswigger-labs

mindmaps to solve all the security labs from portswigger

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OWASP Top 10 - 2021 [1/11]

  1. [X] Broken Access Control
  2. [ ] Cryptographic Failures
  3. [ ] Injection
  4. [ ] Insecure Desing
  5. [ ] Security Misconfiguration
  6. [ ] Vulnerable and Outdated Components
  7. [ ] Identification and Authentication Failures
  8. [ ] Software and Data Integrity Failures
  9. [ ] Security Logging and Monitoring Failures
  10. [ ] Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

Solution of all labs from Portswigger

  1. Access Control
  2. Authentication
  3. Bussiness Logic Vulnerabilities
  4. Directory Traversal
  5. Information Disclosure
  6. Graphql API Vulnerabilities
  7. Sql Injection
  8. XSS


mindmaps to solve all the security labs from portswigger