The reading group serves a dual purpose. On one hand, we would like to develop an understanding of statistical learning theory and how quantum resources can make a difference. On the other hand, we would like to develop skills that are marketable outside academia. To achieve this dual purpose, we structure the meetings along three topics:
A recent, but already important paper on classical machine learning.
A quantum machine learning paper.
Coding exercises that implement a learning algorithm or a simulation of a quantum protocol.
Papers will be announced a week in advance. Each week there will be a person responsible for a paper, but everybody is expected to read the two papers in advance and prepare with questions. Coding will be done collaboratively through this repository. The reading group requires commitment: apart from the 1.5-2 contact hours a week, at least another 2-3 hours must be dedicated to reading and coding. You are not expected to know machine learning or programming before joining the group, but you are expected to commit the time necessary to catch up and develop the relevant skills.
The language of choice is Python 3. MATLAB users will be shot on sight. Julia is an upcoming language in which the bleeding-edge of machine learning and quantum simulation are easier to implement, and therefore it is an accepted alternative.
The broader QML community is still taking shape. We are attempting to organize it through the website You can also sign up for the mailing list there. Please also consider contributing to the recently rewritten Wikipedia article on QML. Apart from new content, stylistic and grammatical edits, figures, and translations are all welcome.
The best way to learn machine learning is by doing it. The book Python Machine Learning is a good starter, along with its GitHub repository. Kaggle is a welcoming community of data scientists. It is not only about competitions: several hundred datasets are hosted on Kaggle, along with notebooks and scripts (collectively known as kernels) that do interesting stuff with the data. These provide perfect stepping stones for beginners. Find a dataset that is close to your personal interests and dive in. For a sufficiently engaging theoretical introduction to machine learning, the book The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction is highly recommended.
Anaconda is the recommended Python distribution if you are new to the language. It ships with most of the scientific and machine learning ecosystem around Python. It includes Scikit-learn, which is excellent for prototyping machine learning models. For scalable deep learning, Keras is recommended: it can transparently change between TensorFlow and Theano as back-ends. QuTiP is an excellent quantum simulation library, and with the latest version (4.0.2), it is reasonably straightforward to install it in Anaconda with conda-forge. QuTiP is somewhat limited in scalability, so perhaps it is worth checking out other simulators, such as ProjectQ.
As for Julia, the JuliaML project collects most of the machine learning efforts. It includes cool stuff like Transformations, which allows you to define arbitrary computational graphs, not just the run-of-the-mill static ones implemented in TensorFlow and Theano. Quantum simulators lag behind a bit, but there are interesting initiatives for doing tensor network calculations.
We will follow the good practices of software carpentry, that is, elementary IT skills that every scientist should have. In particular, we use git as a version control system and host the repository right here on GitHub. When editing text or Markdown documents like this one, please write every sentence in a new line to ensure that conflicts are efficiently resolved when several people edit the same file.
10.00-11.30, 16 February 2017, Seminar Room (201).
Kingma, D. & Ba, J. Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization. Proceedings of ICLR-15, 3rd International Conference for Learning Representations, 2014. This paper introduces a derivative of stochastic gradient descent that is now widely used in training deep learning networks. For instance, it is one of the available optimizers in Keras.
Wan, K. H.; Dahlsten, O.; Kristjánsson, H.; Gardner, R. & Kim, M. S. Quantum generalisation of feedforward neural networks. arXiv:1612.01045, 2016. Papers on quantum neural networks are typically written by crackpots, and this work is one of the refreshing exceptions. It gives a twist on gradient descent to train neural networks of the quantum generalization of classical tasks. One of the examples is an autoencoder: a related and equally interesting paper came out a few days later, which is also worth reading. This latter paper explicitly mentions that all simulations were implemented in Python with QuTiP.
Coding exercise:
- The first week does not have a coding exercise. Instead, please ensure that your computational environment is up and running. Python with the recommended libraries should be there, along with an editor. Either use your favourite text editor, or opt for Spyder, which is also bundled in Anaconda. Ensure that you can open and run Jupyter notebooks. Go through a git tutorial, like the one linked under Resources, fork this repository, clone it, and add the upstream repo to follow. If you need help, we will be around in 372 from 5pm on Wednesday, 15 Feb.
10.00-11.30, 23 February 2017, Seminar Room (201).
Abadi, M.; Barham, P.; Chen, J.; Chen, Z.; Davis, A.; Dean, J.; Devin, M.; Ghemawat, S.; Irving, G.; Isard, M.; Kudlur, M.; Levenberg, J.; Monga, R.; Moore, S.; Murray, D. G.; Steiner, B.; Tucker, P.; Vasudevan, V.; Warden, P.; Wicke, M.; Yu, Y. & Zheng, X. TensorFlow: A System for Large-scale Machine Learning. Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Conference on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2016, 265-283. This is the only systems paper we will discuss. Given the hype around it, its actual importance, and its relevance for getting a job in real life, it is worth looking at it. An earlier open source effort, Theano implements the same idea of using a data flow graph as a computational abstraction; see the matching paper.
Lau, H.-K.; Pooser, R.; Siopsis, G. & Weedbrook, C. Quantum machine learning over infinite dimensions. arXiv:1603.06222, 2016. This paper is the only proposal so far for using continuous variable systems for doing machine learning. These systems are attractive for both their theoretical and experimental properties, and the paper also allows us to talk about building blocks of machine learning algorithms.
Coding exercises:
Implement an autoenconder in TensorFlow, say, random ten dimensional vectors encoded on a six dimensional hidden layer. Use Adam as the optimization routine. Keras is a recommended abstraction layer around TensorFlow.
Simulate a swap test. The circuit is nothing but a Fredkin gate and a Hadamard gate, followed by a local measurement on the ancilla. This task is trivial to do in QuTiP, but you can also try your hands on ProjectQ, or the IBM Quantum Experience.
10.00-11.30, 09 March 2017, Seminar Room (201).
Silver, D.; Huang, A.; Maddison, C. J.; Guez, A.; Sifre, L.; van den Driessche, G.; Schrittwieser, J.; Antonoglou, I.; Panneershelvam, V.; Lanctot, M.; Dieleman, S.; Grewe, D.; Nham, J.; Kalchbrenner, N.; Sutskever, I.; Lillicrap, T.; Leach, M.; Kavukcuoglu, K.; Graepel, T. & Hassabis, D. Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search. Nature, 2016, 529, 484-489. It is the state-of-the-art in reinforcement learning. The scheme combines deep learning with a heuristic search, which is a pattern that is seen over and over again since this paper came out. The simpler, but equally glamorous task of playing Atari games was published by the same group; that paper is also worth a look.
Dunjko, V.; Taylor, J. M. & Briegel, H. J. Quantum-Enhanced Machine Learning. Physical Review Letters, 2016, 117, 130501. This paper takes a comprehensive look at what quantum agents can learn in a reinforcement learning scenario. It is worth looking at an earlier and much longer version of this paper.
Coding exercises:
Teach an agent to learn playing Doom. OpenAI Gym is a collection of environments in which you can benchmark reinforcement learning algorithms. It was officially announced at NIPS in December 2016. The classical first-person shooter Doom is one of the possible environments. Choose a reinforcement learning and see how it performs in one of the Doom subtasks.
Do the same thing with simulated quantum agents. See, for instance, this paper or this one.