tosynthegeek / trademark-nickname-lol

An Actix-Web server in Rust, featuring logging with timestamped entries, state sharing, user registration via command-line interface, and robust error handling

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Actix-Web Server with Logging

This is a simple Actix-Web server written in Rust that logs information to a file when accessed. Additionally, it allows users to register their personal information via command-line arguments.


  • Logging: The server logs information to a file based on the provided nickname when accessed.
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI) for User Registration: Users can register their personal information (first name, last name, and nickname) using command-line arguments.
  • HTTP Endpoint for Logging
  • Timestamped Logging
  • State Sharing Between Handlers
  • Command-Line Arguments Extraction


Rust programming language installed. Install Rust

Tools, Frameworks, and Dependencies

  • Actix-Web: Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust. It provides the foundation for handling HTTP requests, defining routes, and managing the application's state. I built the server around Actix-Web's components, such as App and HttpServer.

  • Clap: Clap is a simple-to-use, efficient, and full-featured library for parsing command-line arguments in Rust. It simplifies the process of defining and extracting values from the command line. I used Clap to define and parse command-line arguments for registering a person. The server uses Clap to extract values such as first name, last name, and nickname from the command line.

  • Chrono: Chrono date and time library for Rust. In this server, I used it to capture the current timestamp for logging purposes.

  • File I/O: Standard Rust libraries for file input/output are used for creating and writing to files. The server uses std::fs::File and std::fs::write to create a file and write log entries to it. The file is named based on the provided nickname (app_state.n_name), and the content includes information about who created the file and when.


  • Clone project
git clone
cd trademark-username-lol
  • Build and run the server
cargo run

Server will be accessible at localhost:3000


Register a Person

To register a person and trigger the logging functionality, use the following command:

cargo run -- -n [NICKNAME] register-person -f [FIRST_NAME] -l [LAST_NAME] 

Replace [NICKNAME], [FIRST_NAME] and [LAST_NAME] with the desired values.


cargo run -- -n tosynthegeek register-person -f Tosin -l Ojedapo

Access the Logging Endpoint

Once the server is running, you can access the logging endpoint by visiting localhost:3000 in your browser


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.




An Actix-Web server in Rust, featuring logging with timestamped entries, state sharing, user registration via command-line interface, and robust error handling


Language:Rust 100.0%