toshiyukihina / react_tutorial_with_rails_api

Using a Rails Api back end for the React Tutorial

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#React Tutorial with create-react-app and Rails as an Api and Bootstrap

Man, that title is a mouthful, but, this is pretty easy. Once again, we're focussing on the React tutorial. Since it's a great intro to React.

First, ensure you have the Create React App installed globally:

npm i -g create-react-app

Now let's create a rails api for the backend, please be sure to have Rails 5.

rails new react_tutorial_with_rails_api --api
cd react_tutorial_with_rails_api

you can initialize your git now if you'd like :)

Now we're going to create the react app in the rails app directory, we'll call it client:

create-react-app client

What just happened? The amazing team at React HQ made it as simple as creating a Rails app, to create a React App. Thanks guys! Now all your web pack config is set up for a basic app. this is all we need to get started.

If you initialized your git, it would be a good idea to add to your rails .gitignore file:


Otherwise your git will become unruly.

Ok, now lets set up Rails to be the back end. We need to add a model.

We'll call the model Comment and we'll create 2 columns, author which will be a string, and text which we'll make text. This way we're in line with the naming conventions of the React Tutorial:

rails generate model comment author:string text:text
rails db:migrate

A slight aside here, the React Tutorial uses the date to be a unique identifier, which is too ling for rails standard id's, so we're going to make a slight edit to the id column of the Comments table:

rails generate migration change_comments_id_integer_limit

Now we add the following:

# db/migrate/*change_comments_id_integer_limit.rb
class ChangeCommentsIdIntegerLimit < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    change_column :comments, :id, :integer, limit: 8
rails db:migrate

Ok, nearly done here, we just need a controller and the routes.

The controller needs 2 actions, index and create:

rails generate controller comments index create

And, I'll spare the walk through, but here is what the final controller should look like:

# app/controller/comments_controller.rb
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
  def index
      status: 200,
      json: Comment.all

  def create
    comment =
      render json: comment, status: 201
      render json: { errors: comment.errors }, status: 422

  def comment_params
    params.permit(:id, :author, :text)


Now, let's hook up the routes:

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  scope '/api' do
    get :comments, to: 'comments#index'
    post :comments, to: 'comments#create'

We'll now create a rake task to spin up both React Server and Rails server simultaneously. A lot of steps here, but it's all to prevent something called Cross-origin resource sharing.

echo "gem 'foreman'" >> Gemfile
bundle install
touch Procfile
echo "web: cd client && npm start" >> Procfile
echo "api: bundle exec rails s -p 3001" >> Procfile
touch lib/tasks/start.rake
# lib/tasks.start.rake
task :start do
  exec 'foreman start -p 3000'

Oh, now for the React part. There will be just copy and pasting of the code, since the tutorial walks you through it pretty succinctly.

cd client

Now, we install jQuery and Bootstrap for React:

npm install jquery --save
npm install react-bootstrap --save

Add the following to your head tag in public index:

<!-- client/public/index.html -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

And body can look like this for bootstrap:

<!-- client/public/index.html -->
    <div class="container">
      <div id="root"></div>

Now in your client/package.json file, add the following line under: "private": true

"proxy": "http://localhost:3001/"

The final piece is to just copy the following files from github:

  • client/src/Comment.js
  • client/src/CommentBox.js
  • client/src/CommentForm.js
  • client/src/CommentList.js
  • client/src.index.js

Now, from the react_tutorial_with_rails_api directory you can run:

rake start

And the app should work. Complete with bootstrap styling, and jQuery polling.


Using a Rails Api back end for the React Tutorial


Language:Ruby 78.8%Language:JavaScript 15.0%Language:HTML 4.9%Language:CSS 1.3%