tortious / zgenom

A lightweight and simple plugin manager for ZSH

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A lightweight plugin manager for Zsh based on zgen. It is a superset of the brilliant zgen. Providing more features and bugfixes while being fully backwards compatible.

Migration from zgen

To get started you just have to clone this repo instead of zgen or you change remotes.

This will take care that all files including the compdump are compiled after you run zgen reset once. Besides this automatic compiling you can use zgenom to compile your dotfiles as well. (see below)

To enable lazy loading change source "${HOME}/.zgen/zgen.zsh" to source "${HOME}/.zgen/zgenom.zsh".

Differences to zgen

New features:

  • Compiling your sourced scripts.
  • Add zgen compile in case you want to recursively compile your dotfiles (manually).
  • Add zgen bin to add an executable to your $PATH.
  • Lazy loading zgenom by sourcing zgenom.zsh instead of zgen.zsh.
  • The default $ZGEN_DIR is where you cloned zgenom to (except when you have ~/.zgen for backwards compatibility).
  • Allow cloning without submodules zgen clone [repo] --no-submodules.


  • compinit with custom flags wasn't working properly.
  • Update to ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh.

zgen compile

zgen compile .zshrc
zgen compile ~/.zsh
zgen compile $ZDOTDIR

The first will just compile your .zshrc. The second one will compile every zsh file it can recursively find in ~/.zsh. You might not want to add any of these lines to your .zsrhc but run them manually or automatically in the background.

zgen bin

zgen bin 'clvv/fasd'

By default this will look in ./bin. If this folder does not exist it will look in .. If the executable isn't in these folders you can specify either a folder or a file. If you don't specify anything at all or specify a folder all executables in this path will be used. This may lead to unwanted side-effects so it's recommended that you specify the files you need. You can use zgen list bin to check for such cases.

# Add 'fasd' to the path and rename it to 'fast'
zgen bin 'clvv/fasd' fasd master fast


A lightweight plugin manager for Zsh inspired by Antigen. Keep your .zshrc clean and simple.

Zgen provides you a few simple commands for managing plugins. It installs your plugins and generates a static init script that will source them for you every time you run the shell. We do this to save some startup time by not having to execute time consuming logic (plugin checking, updates, etc). This means that you have to manually check for updates (zgen update) and reset the init script (zgen reset) whenever you add or remove plugins.

The motive for creating zgen was to have plugins quickly installed on a new machine without getting the startup lag that Antigen used to give me.


Clone the zgen repository

git clone "${HOME}/.zgen"

Edit your .zshrc file to load zgen

# load zgen
source "${HOME}/.zgen/zgen.zsh"

Place the following code after the one above to load oh-my-zsh for example, see Usage for more details

# if the init script doesn't exist
if ! zgen saved; then

  # specify plugins here
  zgen oh-my-zsh

  # generate the init script from plugins above
  zgen save



This is a handy shortcut for installing oh-my-zsh plugins. They can be loaded using zgen load too with a significantly longer format.

Load oh-my-zsh base

It's a good idea to load the base components before specifying any plugins.

zgen oh-my-zsh

Load oh-my-zsh plugins

zgen oh-my-zsh <location>


zgen oh-my-zsh
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/git
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/sudo
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/command-not-found
zgen oh-my-zsh themes/arrow


Load Prezto

zgen prezto

This will create a symlink in the ZSHDOT or HOME directory. This is needed by prezto.

Note: When zgen prezto is used with zgen oh-my-zsh together, zgen prezto should be put behind the other. Or prompt theme from prezto may not display as expected.

Load prezto plugins

zgen prezto <modulename>

This uses the Prezto method for loading modules.

Note: Some modules from prezto are enabled by default. Use ZGEN_PREZTO_LOAD_DEFAULT=0 to disable this behavior.

Load a repo as Prezto plugins

zgen pmodule <reponame> <branch>

This uses the Prezto method for loading the module. It creates a symlink and calls pmodule.

Set prezto options

zgen prezto <modulename> <option> <value(s)>

This must be used before the module is loaded. Or if the default modules should be loaded (default) these settings must be done before the zgen prezto command. module is prepended if the name does not start with module, prezto or a *, prezto is prepended if it does not start with prezto.

General zgen functions

Load plugins and completions

zgen load <repo> [location] [branch]

Zgen tries to source any scripts from location using a "very smart matching logic". If it fails to find any, it will appends location to $fpath.

  • repo
    • github user/repository or path to a repository
    • currently supported formats for a repository path:
      • any local repository
      • git://*
      • https://*
      • http://*
      • ssh://*
      • git@*:*/*
  • location
    • relative path to a script/folder
    • useful for repositories that don't have proper plugin support like zsh-users/zsh-completions
  • branch
    • specifies the git branch to use

Bulk load plugins

zgen loadall <plugins>

Please see example .zshrc for usage.

Generate init script

zgen save

It is recommended to save the plugin sourcing part to a static init script so we don't have to go through the time consuming installing/updating part every time we start the shell (or source .zshrc)

Remove init script

zgen reset

Removes the init script so it will be created next time you start the shell. You must run this every time you add or remove plugins to trigger the changes.

This will not remove the plugins physically from disk.

Check for an init script

zgen saved

Returns 0 if an init script exists.

Update all plugins and reset

zgen update

Pulls updates on every plugin repository and removes the init script.

Update zgen

zgen selfupdate

Watch files for modifications

You can automate the process of running zgen reset by specifying a list of files to ZGEN_RESET_ON_CHANGE. These files will be checked and if a change is detected zgen reset is called.

ZGEN_RESET_ON_CHANGE=(${HOME}/.zshrc ${HOME}/.zshrc.local)


Be aware that zgen tries to handle compinit for you to allow for the fastest possible initialization times. However, this functionality will be disabled if you've already called compinit yourself before sourcing zgen.zsh. Alternatively, you can disable it yourself by disabling $ZGEN_AUTOLOAD_COMPINIT.

Example .zshrc

# load zgen
source "${HOME}/.zgen/zgen.zsh"

# if the init scipt doesn't exist
if ! zgen saved; then
    echo "Creating a zgen save"

    zgen oh-my-zsh

    # plugins
    zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/git
    zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/sudo
    zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/command-not-found
    zgen load zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
    zgen load /path/to/super-secret-private-plugin

    # bulk load
    zgen loadall <<EOPLUGINS
    # ^ can't indent this EOPLUGINS

    # completions
    zgen load zsh-users/zsh-completions src

    # theme
    zgen oh-my-zsh themes/arrow

    # save all to init script
    zgen save

Example .zshrc for prezto use

Here is a partial example how to work with prezto

    echo "Creating a zgen save"

    # prezto options
    zgen prezto editor key-bindings 'emacs'
    zgen prezto prompt theme 'sorin'

    # prezto and modules
    zgen prezto
    zgen prezto git
    zgen prezto command-not-found
    zgen prezto syntax-highlighting

    # plugins
    zgen load /path/to/super-secret-private-plugin

Other resources

The awesome-zsh-plugins list contains many zgen-compatible zsh plugins & themes that you may find useful.

There's a quickstart kit for using zsh and zgen at zsh-quickstart-kit that guides you through setting up zgen and includes a sampler of useful plugins.

The autoupdate-zgen plugin will enable your zgen to periodically update itself and your list of plugins.


  • antigen - popular and mature
  • zplug - well performing and has a fancy UI


A lightweight and simple plugin manager for ZSH

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Shell 100.0%