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During weeks 7-11 of Coding Dojo, we learn the MEAN stack to become proficient and self-sufficient generalist javascript stack developers. MEAN is comprised of Mongodb, Express.js, Angular, and Node. Here are the assignments that I have completed for this portion of the course.
At Coding Dojo, weeks 3 to 6 are focused on learning the python stack. This involves basic assignments to get used to syntax, and then moving onto Django, Flask, and MySQL. These are the assignments I have completed for this section of the bootcamp.
This is my second deployment project at Coding Dojo. It is the final result of my MEAN stack exam. It uses Mongodb, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. I earned a 9.85/10 which gives me "black belt" recognition. Black belt recognition is given to the highest performing students on exams who have earned scores of 9.5/10 or higher.
At Coding Dojo, weeks 1 and 2 are focused on learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript for beginning front-end development. These are several of the assignments I completed throughout the Web Fundamentals section of the bootcamp.
At Coding Dojo, weeks 11 - 13 are focused on the Java stack. This involves assignments to get used to syntax and the rules of Java, working with Tomcat Server on STS, to integrating Java with Spring, the framework taught to build web applications.
This is my first deployment project for Coding Dojo's python full stack portion of the coding bootcamp. It uses the python language and the Django web framework as well as MySQL database. It was the final exam for our python stack and I earned a 9.75/10 which earns me "black belt" recognition. Black belt recognition is given to the highest performing students on exams who have earned scores of 9.5/10 or higher.