There are 8 repositories under write-ahead-log topic.
Go library for protobuf compatible sstables, a skiplist, a recordio format and other database building blocks like a write-ahead log. Ships now with an embedded key-value store.
Streaming Postgres logical replication changes atleast-once over websockets
Write Ahead Log for LSM or bitcask storage(or any append-only write).
:floppy_disk: CMU 15-445/645: Intro to Database Systems (Fall 2017). A course on the design and implementation of database management systems.
A tiny embedded, transactional key-value database 🐱
a tiny database with ARIES recovery algorithm (WAL and Fuzzy Checkpoint) to achieve ACID
End to End Distributed Deep Learning Engine, works both with Streaming and Batch Data built using Apache Flink
Transparent fault-tolerance for storage-centric applications in disaggregated data centers
High-available distributed database. Data consistent key-value store across machines with fault recovery. Suitable for finance, e-commerce, and social media services.
a storage engine by FIFO QUEUE. you can make a distributed-message-queue based on qstore. you can also use it to implemente write-ahead-log
ArangoDB Write-Ahead-Log Client in Java
An in-memory text search engine that is durable and persistent
This repository contains the code for the Assignment-3 of Distributed Systems(CS60002) course of Spring, 2024. Implementing a Write-Ahead Logging for consistency in Replicated Database with Sharding
Read WAL files and possibly generate the SQL