There are 1 repository under windowsforms-applications topic.
🏫 The Study Center is a comprehensive software solution for managing educational operations in schools and educational institutions. 📚
This is a simple 3D model viewer built with OpenGL and C#. It allows you to load 3D models in OBJ format and view them in a 3D environment. You can rotate, zoom in/out, and pan around the model to inspect it from different angles.
Kural20 Göz Sağlığı Uygulaması, bilgisayar başında çok fazla vakit geçirenler için 20-20-20 kuralını hatırlatmak amacıyle C# ile geliştrilmiş bir masaüstü uygulamasıdır.
📦✔️ Deal Or No Deal ❌📦 - The famous TV game recreated in Windows Forms
Sertifika Kontrolcüsü, Windows işletim sistemleri için dijital sertifikaları kontrol eden .Net tabanlı ücretsiz bir uygulamadır.
Windows Chronometer
It is an application where gasoline purchase and sales prices are found, profit is calculated according to these prices and gasoline sales are made according to the plate.At the same time, filling the tank can be performed according to the type of fuel remaining in the tank.
An application where we can add teachers, add students, add studies, assign new studies to teachers, add lessons.Öğretmen ekleme, öğrenci ekleme, etüt ekleme, öğretmene yeni etüt atama, ders ekleme gibi işlemler yapabildiğimiz bir uygulama.
Esse projeto feito em C#, tem como objetivo gerar logs a partir do WindowsFormApp e captar, Listener, ações de qualquer tipo de elemento (ToolBox) que possua o evento click.
Application that encrypts data and shows those decrypted versions. Verileri şifreleyen ve o şifrelerin çözülmüş hallerini gösteren uygulama.
It is a large-scale project that includes all the systems that a real hospital needs. I suggest you to review the 'Project SS' file for project details.Gerçek bir hastanenin ihtiyaç duyduğu bütün sistemleri içinde barındıran geniş çaplı bir proje. Proje detayları için 'Project SS' dosyasını incelemenizi öneririm.
Application that pulls news titles with the help of RSS from news sites. Haber sitelerinden RSS yardımıyla haber başlıklarını çeken uygulama.
A patisserie application that handles adding materials, adding products, creating products, calculating costs and checking cash registers.Malzeme ekleme, ürün ekleme, ürün oluşturma, maliyet hesaplama ve kasa girdi çıktılarını tutan bir pastane uygulaması.
A backdoor for windows computers, with a server host on a Linux shell
A simple calculator using C# Windows Form Library
Medicine and equipment warehouse management system built using SQL Server, Spring Boot (Java) and Windows Form Application (C#)
IRAN Stock Market Financial Management Software * Cadino *
This is a simple POS system that I developed during the first year of my bachelor's degree. C# has been used as the main programming language. Sharing this for the purpose of beginners to use this as reference to work on their own projects...
C# - Rent A Car Software
This is a todo app example created as Windows Form project
The "KIIT Library Management System" is a comprehensive Full Stack Application developed for KIIT University using .NET Framework, C#.NET, Windows Forms, and MS SQL Server. This application integrates a C# backend with a Windows Forms frontend, executing SQL queries to manage and retrieve data such as book details, student records etc.
Program that draws Levy C curve up to 15 iterations. Made in Visual Studio 2019 with C++ Windows Forms.
This C# project converts your Steam wishlist, obtained using Augmented Steam, from JSON data into a Markdown file, making it easy to share and maintain your wishlist in a readable format.
You can perform all SQL query from this panel. Tüm SQL sorgularınızı bu panelle gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.
Windows forms application to manage and manipulate company, department and employee details.
Formuláro simples, feito em windows forms
The Expense Tracker SOAP-based mini-project is designed for managing personal expenses. It includes a WCF service, "ExpenseService," offering basic features such as adding, updating, and deleting expenses. The project employs SOAP for communication and utilizes a model class, "Expense," to represent individual financial transactions.
CS322 C# language university project, Topic: Bookstore
Helicopter Game 🚁: Navigate the skies in this Windows Form project built in C#. Control your helicopter, Dodge obstacles, hear the immersive sound effects, and aim for the highest score! 🎮🌟
Crafted with C# in Visual Studio, this Windows Forms Application serves as an efficient Shopping List tool. The application leverages the power of a Linked List data structure, offering dynamic and flexible list management. Users can easily add, remove, and modify items on their shopping list, providing a seamless and intuitive experience.
Basic calculator with history and a "dog years" function included.
The HairHub is a basic Windows system that aims to provide an efficient and intuitive solution for scheduling and managing hairdressers' appointments.
Hotel Mnagment System With Documentation
Small C# exercises from my education in Computer Science (third semester). Practice exercises in WindowsForms in C# in Visual Studio