There are 2 repositories under vuedraggable topic.
基于vue + elementUI的管理系统模板
A Laravel Nova Select Field
Task Management Application using Vue.js
Drag and Drop into iFrame with sortable DOM tree built with Vue.js
Example of an animated draggable list build with Vue.js and Tailwind
To do app using Django Rest Framework, Vue.js and PostgreSQL.
Keras-Mall是一个 Nodejs 企业级电商中台,基于全栈技术组合(koa、Sequlize & vue、vuex、vue-router、element-UI),内置模块如:国际化支持、换肤、菜单及按钮授权、数据库备份、权限及角色配置、日志管理等。
simple mobile todo app with slick touch experience / vue.js vue-draggable
Web application with JWT-Auth, Drag and Drop, Laravel and Vue
drag-tree-table for vue.js 2.0. 基于vue 2.0的拖拽树形表格组件
CSI side project
Simple nuxt-mini-trello app on nuxt.js
New and redesigned website for MacroQuiet game development studio -
Task manager built with VueJS during the course Vue JS 2 - The complete guide (including Vue Router & Vuex).
Effortlessly manage tasks and customize categories with our Nuxt.js and Firebase Trello clone, designed for AirTribe. Organize tasks into Not Started, In Progress, and Completed categories, and easily add new categories to suit your workflow. Benefit from real-time updates, responsive design, and intuitive drag-and-drop functionality.
To-do web application with CRUD (create, read, update, delete), working with databases and front-end side that utilize APIs
这是我基于north and south lowcode项目重构开发的lowcode2.0版本,用于毕业设计
Trello like website (stack: Vue 3, Laravel 9, TailwindCSS)
Desafio Vue.js referente à aplicação To-Do List, utilizada como tema pela Ootz para validação de conhecimentos nesta stack tecnológica.
Widget that determine your location and show current weather