There are 3 repositories under virtual-box topic.
This repository contains steps on how i set up a basic home lab running Active Directory.
js5005 is a virtual CPU with every logic gate simulated. A pretty interface, a built in assembler, display, and 256 bytes of RAM to boot. It's the better i4004.
Automating the creation of Ubuntu VM in VBOX from a cloud image.
Inspired by Laravel Homestead:
Hackfest is a game about linux, hacking, networking!
Install Kali Linux Purple on your virtual box in one click
Concourse Pipeline primer with a full fledged local instance on bosh-lite. Includes the Cloud Config, manifest and relevant Virtual Box configuration to spin up full concourse pipeline managed by a bosh-lite director.
This is set up in Kubernetes. I Connected Multi-Nodes with Master in Kubernetes using Virtual Box in Redhat 8 (CLI).
Repositório utilizado para postar os projetos realizados durante a realização do Bootcamp de Linux e AWS da plataforma de ensino, Digital Innovation One (DIO).
VirtualBox E1000 Guest-to-Host Escape
This repository details my home lab setup using Oracle VirtualBox and Windows Server 2019 for managing an Active Directory environment. It includes steps for setting up a virtual network, installing software, and configuring AD services to mimic enterprise network management, showcasing skills in system administration and network security.
Semantics-driven serverless microservice DevOps framework and infrastructure
Set-up Docker based-on Virtual Box and CentOS-7 Environments
this is VM-Tools-Install it will help you insatall vms
This repository will help you create a Windows 95 machine
Auto-configured version of OmniOSce-r151038 using VirtualBox, Packer and Vagrant.
Raven is a full stack development environment using Ansible. It contains playbooks to setup jdk, nodejs, docker, redis, postgressql, etc with other customization.
Raven box is a vagrant box having Ubuntu Jammy operating system..
fhooe-webdev - A Vagrantfile and Vagrant Box for Web Development Classes.
bash-скрипты для создания виртуальных машин на VirtualBox.
A RESTful web application to display categories and items and gives logined user to edit or add items.