There are 0 repository under video-detection topic.
Object detection with ssd_mobilenet and tiny-yolo (Add: YOLOv3, tflite)
Temporally Identity-Aware SSD with Attentional LSTM
detect the no of people every second entering building gate. #person-detection
A Dual Refinement Mechanism for Real-World Visual Detection
Pistol, Rifle, and Fire detection using yolov4-tiny in videos as well as images. Training code, dataset, and trained weight file available.
Real Time Detection of Anomalous Activity From Videos (mainly crime actvity). Images of the video is trained using AutoEncoder to get the imtermediate feature representation of image & applied svm model for the bag of such features to detect the anomaly & LSTM to detect the type of Anomaly.
YOLO V8 video detection inside TouchDesigner
detect objects from cctv camera
mask rcnn training with coco-like dataset. You can use for trainnig your own coco.json (polygon) dataset in Google Colab.
Road Lane Dection using OpenCV in python
Repository for the paper "Can lies be faked? Comparing low-stakes and high-stakes deception video datasets from a Machine Learning perspective"
This project combines YOLOv2 and seq-nms to realise real time video detection. Main contribution: creation of easy to follow insctructions.
This python code uses OpenCV to detect movements in videos and logs with timestamps. Special features: 1. set region of interest by coordinates 2.set noise level 3. set how clean the log you want.
Military Aircraft Detection ( Image and Video) Yolov8
In this project I tried to make a program that detects objects in videos using the open cv library and the Yolo dataset .
Smartbin AI is a personal project aiming at training an artifial intelligence to recognise waste material using Tensorflow.