There are 6 repositories under vertical-tabs topic.
Tree Style Tab, Show tabs like a tree.
Missing vertical tabs component for bootstrap.
An Obsidian plugin that displays open tabs vertically, allowing users to group and organize tabs for a better navigation experience.
Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
A theme for Tree Style Tab that tries to replicate the vertical tab feature of Microsoft Edge Browser
Phew AI Tab is a browser extension that helps you manage and retrieve tab information via AI-based grouping and spaces in a vertical sidebar.
Minimal Firefox CSS theme with Arc like design with vertical tabs
Stylesheets for collapsible vertical tabs for Firefox.
personal repository to store firefox vertical tabs with other css
Vertical Tabs | Tab Sidebar | Web Browser With Knowledge Management Viewpoint => Tute <= mytetra_webengine <= MyTetra
Background app to make up for BetterTouchTool's limitations. (eg: Run applescript on click (w/o modifier keys) or when connecting a display)
Plain, simple, compact, easy to maintain, compatible with Firefox themes, vertical tab layout customizations using "userChrome.css".
An Atom package that makes tabs vertical
vertical css theme / my Firefox profile's "chrome" folder's files
A very lightweight jQuery plugin to create simple horizontal and vertical tabs
This web page gives you a demo of creating a vertical tab for navigation between section in a container using pure CSS
bootstrap 5 vertical tabs responsive
Vertical tabs and slider example for e-commerce app's