There are 1 repository under user32 topic.
win32 api
Defines your titlebar with tkinter 用tkinter定义你的标题栏
Record and play back keyboard and mouse input
Monitor the textual data pasted into Windows clipboard
Set of tools and ready-made methods that are wrappers over the core functionalities of Windows, such as User32, Shell32 or Kernel32.
Python version TranslucentTB
The project that was made for the program "SimpleUnlocker" ( AntiGDI uses hooks to block functions from gdi32.dll
The UiaDriver Server enables WebDriver clients, such as Selenium, to automate interactions with Windows applications. By implementing the WebDriver protocol, it allows seamless control and testing of Windows applications using familiar WebDriver commands.
A C# project for recording and playing mouse and keyboard events.
A simple console utility to list running application windows on your machine. It will display metadata for the windows, such as window title, class name, process name and the handle.
Take full control over your local computers keyboard using the user32 dll.
Using GO to set BlockInput to true
Small testing program for an implementation of RegisterUserApiHook.
A Project that utilizes the user32.dll to automate low level keyboard and mouse actions.
This is a wrapper of the windows api for dotnet core.
Like the "Magnifier" app, but makes the image grayscale.
A library for retrieving the handle of either a specific window, or just the currently focused window.