There are 1 repository under tralahm topic.
As hackers, we put a premium on function over elegance as time is always scarce. When you need to quickly create a solution to a problem, style concerns come secondary.
An Uber Android Apk Clone with Paypal, and Mpesa and Vodacash Support comming soon
[WIP] Unofficial Python wrapper around the JengaAPIs that are pre-integrated into the financial, identity, credit and payment systems across Africa.
An Opinionated Python SDK for the for the MTN Mobile Money API. The goal of this SDK library is to enable python developers implement MTN Mobile Money APIs in a flexible, yet consistent manner.
Create Your Own Operating System,Bootloader with Assembly and C and Learn GDB debugging and reverse engineering
A complete hardware agnostic IoT system for monitoring home temperatures written in scala
Utility Tool to Generate Common Project Files using sensible templates every one can agree on. Useful for Git Repositories, Supports Sphinx templates, Community Health Files, READMEs, pypi project configurations.
Python MPESA SDK Supporting 5 Countries: Kenya,Ghana,Tanzania,Mozambique,DR Congo.
Crossref SDK and CLI Academic Citations For Researchers
A clean fork of django-cruds-adminlte pip install cruds_dj_adminlte2 South Africa Mobile Money, SMS, Calls, Fax, Airtime API SDK
Predicting Titanic Passenger Survival Using Machine Learning
Using Tensorflow to apply and implement machine learning algorithms enabled by constraints exposed by representations that support models targeted at thinking,perception and action
Recognizing Hand written digits (MNIST) byImplementing Neural Networks in raw Python Code(No libraries)
Using matlab and octave for machine learning and numerical computing
A case for Oxidation with Rust-Lang...and the Future of Serverless with WEB Assembly WASM... A primer in rust programming and systems programming
Scala is a tastefully typed language: it is statically typed, but explicit types appear in just the right places. Scala takes powerful features from object-oriented and functional languages, and combines them with a few novel ideas in a beautifully coherent whole. The syntax is so lightweight, and its primitives so expressive, that APIs can be used with virtually no syntactic overhead at all. Examples can be found in standard libraries such as parser combinators and actors. In this sense Scala supports embedded domain-specific languages.
Operating System Development is one of the most Technically Involving Pursuits for a Computer Scientist.From writing kernels, to multi-stage boot-loaders, to device drivers, getting your hands dirty.
Exploring the Vulkan Graphics API with C++.