There are 1 repository under tom topic.
Testing Theory of Mind (ToM) in language models with epistemic logic
A Blazor interop library for the select user control library, Tom Select
Informações da Cidade pelo IBGE ou TOM
Repository for Azure Data Factory (ADF) Custom Activity to dynamically create and process Azure Analysis Service (AAS) Tabular Model Partitions
Kodi / XBMC / Firestick audio addon for the ClandesTime podcast
🧠️🖥️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️💾️📜️ The sourceCode:Tom category for AI2001, containing Tom programming language datasets
📚️ A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Tom programming language, and continuing to learn the language.
⌨️ The Tom programming language IDE submodule for SNU Programming Tools (2D Mode)
Online booking app without registration Servlet, JDBC, Ajax, Tomcat
Android Game in which two players seek in alternate turns to complete a row, a column, or a diagonal with either Three Tom or three Jerry to wins the game.
Kodi / XMBC / Firestick audio addon for the Truth Or Skepticism podcast