There are 0 repository under template-tags topic.
ES2015 tagged template string for preparing SQL statements, works with `pg`, `mysql`, and `sqlite`
Asynchronous inclusion of Django templates
Takes a tweet url, requests the json from Twitter oEmbed, parses for the html element and returns it to your template. The html returned is ready to go and will be shown as a tweet on your web page.
Creating fullstack blog application with Django, python and Materialize
Provides functionality for syntax highlighting using Pygments.
In this little demo application, I used several DOM concepts, like element positions and sizes, scrolling, and some browser features, like dynamic script additions and template tags, timers and intervals. Besides, I had a loo at some browser APIs such as location, history and navigator (in the browser console).
A sample django site for the package django-async-include
A Django web application that utilises HTML data attributes to implement dynamic formset management and is designed to allow the students of Selly Oak to create and share recipes
A collection of Django templatetags to flexibly incorporate links and breadcrumbs from app pages to the homepage of a project
Login system for Django with ready to use account components
Django's database stored web content processor