There are 1 repository under syntactic-parsing topic.
Source code for "Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar Parsing on Penn Treebank" published at ACL 2019
NLP Section of the Data Science course, NRU HSE
Code for the ACL2021 paper: Better Combine Them Together! Integrating Syntactic Constituency and Dependency Representations for Semantic Role Labeling
High-Performance Implementation of Spectral Learning of Latent-Variable PCFGs (Cohen et al., 2013)
Phrase Tagset Mapping for French and English Treebanks and Its Application in Machine Translation Evaluation
Rule-based machine translation system between Spanish and Guarani, based on a process of syntactic transfer, capable of generating synthetic bilingual sentence pairs or parsing and translating existing Spanish text into Guarani
A syntactic parser uses CYK (CKY), Earley. Best fit for English, Vietnamese.
Assignments and materials for the syntactic parsing class at Uppsala University.
Dependency parsing was used to extract relevant information from a review in order to predict the sentiment of a given aspect term. Different machine learning models such as Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Classifier and Neural Networks were used to make predictions. A maximum accuracy score of 0.74 on the test dataset was achieved using Bidirectional LSTM model.
Syntactic Parsing Algorithms
A tool for calling the API of online demo website proposed by CKIP team .
Syntactic expansion in CIAO ProLog for translate from ProLog to GDL