There are 1 repository under symbolic-expressions topic.
A package that makes it trivial to create and evaluate machine learning pipeline architectures.
mathiu : a simple computer algebra system in C++.
Layer over brightway2 for algebraic definition of parametric models and super fast computation of LCA
Java bindings for tree-sitter
Code related to "Learning Continuous Semantic Representations of Symbolic Expressions" project.
Einsum Expressions in Julia
Speak It Out: Solving Symbol-Related Problems with Symbol-to-Language Conversion for Language Models
Identifying numerically safe eliminations automatically
Symbolic Expressions As Markup
C++ library for symbolic differentiation. Sym_arrow provides only basic algebraic capabilities but instead is concentraced on calculating symbolic derivatives of expressions as fast as possible.
Algebraic Proof System
Extensible combinator library for building symbolic Python expressions that are compatible with serialization and can be evaluated at a later time.
HTML templating helper functions written in a Continuation-Passing Style for JavaScript, Python, and Ruby
C++ application capable of formulating symbolically and numerically computing the dynamics of railroad systems. It also adds aiding facilities for writing documentation and reports.
An Automatic Method for Generating Symbolic Expressions of Zernike Circular Polynomials
DOM templating helper functions written in a Continuation-Passing Style
Constructor of TypeScript symbolic expressions.