There are 1 repository under sycamore topic.
A library for creating reactive web apps in Rust and WebAssembly
Companion site for the textbook Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach
Life/self managment software
A template for getting started with Sycamore + Rocket
A quickstart template for Sycamore + Trunk +
参考 Chat2DB 的效果,使用 chatgpt 进行自然语言翻译,然后对数据库进行操作,使用 rust 语言实现的 web 应用。
A simple Rust and WebAssembly real-time implementation of the Vigénere Cipher utilizing the Sycamore reactive library.
An accessible component library for Sycamore
Modern highly configurable block stacking puzzle game for the web
the best way to explore cyberspace | intract lets you create and follow rss feeds. this way you can make recommendations and get them from your friends
A minimal template for getting started with Sycamore + Rocket
A repo to compare development experience for different WASM compiled frameworks
A repo with all the example code I create for various things.
QcHack 2021 Google Challenge
markdown editor and ...
Guess Game is an educational project designed for beginners in Rust, Sycamore, and Tauri. The game generates a random number between 0 and 100, and the user tries to guess it. The game provides feedback if the guess is too high, too low, or correct.
The project is an educational tool demonstrating how Rust can interact with web technologies through WebAssembly. It features a frontend entirely developed using the Sycamore framework, showcasing dynamic interactions and reactivity within a Rust-generated WebAssembly environment.
Wasm app for creating nfts - WIP
pre-cooked yardstiq's Quantum Benchmarks in a container image