There are 0 repository under svhn-classifier topic.
Google Street View House Number(SVHN) Dataset, and classifying them through CNN
Different convolutional neural network implementations for predicting the lenght of the house numbers in the SVHN image dataset. First part of the Humanware project in ift6759-avanced projects in ML.
a tensor flow code to learn a classifier on SVHN dataset
Implementation of the Paper "Multi-digit Number Recognition from Street View Imagery using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks" using Tensorflow
RTE '18 project under Prof. Yao Wang on Hebbian plasticity in neural networks
GUI for training an ML-algorithm (TensorFlow) with the SVHN-dataset.
Street View House Number image classification using fully connected neural network
The following project deals with the development of CNN and CRNN with CTC loss for the recognition of digit sequences from the Street View images. This also includes pre-processing, data augmentation, and structuring input for training neural networks to get sequence recognition.
In this project, I have created a neural network that classifies real world images digits. I have used MLP and CNN concepts in building, training, testing, validating and saving your Tensorflow classifier model.
Classification of house numbers