There are 4 repositories under stardict topic.
A tool for converting dictionary files aka glossaries. Mainly to help use our offline glossaries in any Open Source dictionary we like on any modern operating system / device.
Render e-books in the browser
Finally decent dictionaries based on the Wiktionary for your beloved eBook reader. Daily updates & 15 locales supported so far.
Query words definitions or examples etc. from local or web dictionaries to fill into Anki cards.
XDXF — an open and free dictionary format, that stores word articles in a structural and semantic way. The most convertible format
Web-Based Alternative to GoldenDict
GoldenDict++:内置大量的官方版本问题的修正;先期添加了一个简单的插件机制,并基于该机制接入了多个 OCR 划词 和 音频播放 引擎;后期在增强易用性的基础上为提高查询效率、减少运行时 CPU 及 内存 占用、降低代码维护难度,完全重构了所有的实现;将来的目标是将功能扩展和词典格式处理抽象为完整的插件实现,以进一步增强应用的扩展性和可维护性。
A blazingly-fast, offline-first format and toolchain for lexical data 📖
Library for manipulating StarDict dictionaries from within Python
Ebook reader dictionaries extracted from Wiktionary in almost all languages, in Stardict, Tabfile and Kindle format
Some Vietnamese dictionaries for StarDict, GoldenDict... from OVDP (Open Vietnamese Dictionary Project)
Translate text by google, bing, youdaozhiyun, haici, stardict, openai, large language model of local machine, etc at same time from CLI, GUI (GNU/Linux, Android, macOS and Windows), REPL, python, shell and vim.
AyanDict - a simple multi-lingual cross-platform offline dictionary based on Qt and written in Go
StarDict in Rust! 使用 离线 / 在线 词典在终端中查单词、背单词!
TDK Güncel Türkçe Sözlük'ü PyGlossary aracılığıyla StarDict, Kobo dicthtml ve Kindle MOBI formatlarına çeviren bir Python betiği.
Convert unpacked MOBI dictionaries to StarDict format.
Some free dictionary databases
Emacs offline dictionary using the 'sdcv'
Simple Swing tool to convert stardict format dictionary data to SQLite
console version of StarDict formerly used by koreader; fork of
An online dictionary reader for StarDict format
Create digital versions of popular Hawaiian dictionaries in a variety of formats.
Add inflection information to any dictionary format supported by PyGlossary.