There are 0 repository under social-work topic.
🐕 An application to tackle the problem where, due to the prolonged lockdown, the stray dogs dependent upon the passerby are now not getting any food or water 🐶
Protótipo de site que procura aproximar possíveis voluntários de projetos sociais. A desconexão entre eles resulta em recursos subutilizados, impacto limitado e uma perda de oportunidades valiosas para criar mudanças positivas na sociedade.
🏥️ a tool for a social work team to track their patient encounters for purposes of statistical aggregation
egocentric network map for social work
90 Days Calculator for Social Workers
Stephen Anfield
biographical time bars for social work
I spend over ten years writing code and applying math and science. in each keystroke I found joy. I see life is a system that has variable entropy (E). Every process (p[i]) generates dE and my job is to understand what dE(p[i]) means.