There are 1 repository under shuangpin topic.
fydeRhythm (真文韵输入法): a redesigned CJK IME for FydeOS that also works on ChromeOS Flex and Chromebooks.
chrome os中文双拼/拼音输入法,基于google-input-tools二次开发,支持拼音加加、小鹤、微软等常见的双拼解决方案。
双拼键位设计分析, dvorak & shuangpin;热力图
小鹤双拼输入法(带声调) Input method for typing Chinese using Flypy Double Pinyin (Xiaohe Shuangpin) with Tones, for RIME
粤语双拼输入法 Input method for typing Chinese using Cantonese pronunciations with 2-3 keys per character, based on RIME
小鹤双拼输入法(带声调) Input method for typing Chinese using Flypy Double Pinyin (Xiaohe Shuangpin) with Tones, for RIME
幫助你快速學習雙拼 -- 微軟雙拼(繁體中文版)
粤语双拼输入法 Input method for typing Chinese using Cantonese pronunciations with 2-3 keys per character, based on RIME
粤语双拼输入法 Input method for typing Chinese using Cantonese pronunciations with 2-3 keys per character, based on RIME
小鹤双拼输入法(带声调) Input method for typing Chinese using Flypy Double Pinyin (Xiaohe Shuangpin) with Tones, for RIME
[PY3] 将全拼转换成双拼
[IME] 蘭,一种使用仓颉五首尾码的音形码输入方案
ChromeOS shuangpin input method. ChromeOS双拼输入法