There are 0 repository under shouldly topic.
🟣 C# e .NET 6 (3ª ed.)
🟣 C# e .NET 8
🟣 C# e .NET 5 (2ª ed.)
.NET - Unit Testing
Best practices for unit testing using MSTest, Moq and Shouldly
Gra o hodowaniu roślin, która posiada swój własny system CMS do tworzenia dzielnic oraz dodatkowo zawiera grę w kółko i krzyżyk.
Creating a RESTFUL WEB API in C# .NET for interacting with the SQL database by HTTP endpoints. Adding custom exception handling, and unit tests by using xUnit.
Boilerplate for test solution using SpecFlow, Ocaramba, NUnit, Autfac, and Shouldly
Application based on .NET Core3.1/Angular for displaing sales statistics in the form of interactive graph.
Unit Tests with xUnit, Moq, AutoFixture and Shouldly.
Testes Unitários com .NET 6, xUnit, Moq, AutoFixture e Shouldly
provided a custom extension method for the Shouldly assertion library in .NET applications. This method allows you to assert that two objects have equivalent property values, with the option to include only certain properties in the comparison.
mastering flutter testing
A DDD-based account CRU (is there a D in banking?) in .NET Core using EFCore, MongoDB, NLog and xUnit.