There are 45 repositories under seo-tools topic.
SEO & Security Audit for Websites. Lighthouse & Security Headers crawler, Sitemap/Keywords/Images Extractor, Summarizer, etc ...
Curated list of awesome SEO tools
Best SEO Tools Stash
SEO Python scripts and Apps by Lee Foot
This script generates traffic for websites using a Tor Proxy Pool or any proxy server for which you desire
SEO Macroscope is a website scanning tool, to check your website for broken links; including some technical SEO functionality, site scraping, Excel reporting, and more.
Scan your Laravel application routes for SEO improvements suggestions.
🚀 SeoTags generates All SEO Tags you need such as meta, link, Twitter card (twitter:), Open Graph (for Facebook) (og:), and JSON-LD schema (structured data).
Laravel Seo package for Content writer/admin/web master who do not know programming but want to edit/update SEO tags from dashboard
ContentSwift - Free content research / optimization tool for SEO. As an alternative for Surfer, Neuronwriter, Frase, etc..
A curated list of amazingly awesome local seo resources.
Validates a predefined list of backlinks on remote websites that they exist and are correct (for SEO). Simple and Javascript-enabled web engines are used for scraping.
🗺️ Need a sitemap? This tech-stack agnostic generator will crawl a website like a real user generating a sitemap along the way.
Wagtail Open Graph Image Generator will assist you in automatically creating Open Graph images for your pages.
An Advanced Content SEO Analyzer: Search Engine Optimization Rapid Diagnostics;
a tool for validate xml sitemap and sitemap index files for broken links
Get your own Google visibility score using Google Search Console Api and your own Keyword list.
Run multiple Lighthouse reports for different URLs and see how well your URLs are performing separately. Get Overall Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices SEO and more
Nebula Keyword Researcher is a tool designed to do keyword research the right way, it allows you to generate lists of thousands of unique keywords for your Marketing and SEO projects.
Scrape and parse Google search results in Node.JS
Scrape and parse Google search results in Python
R integration with Screaming Frog CLI
SEO Checker and Recommander Plugin (like wordpress Yoast) for ASP.NET Core.
Redaxo 5 Addon: SEO-Rankingtool zur Analyse wichtiger SEO-Kriterien der Artikel-Livedaten.
Directus SEO Extension enhance Directus with powerful SEO scoring and validator and AI SEO from ChatGPT
A Rust library to generate URL, Index, Image, Video, and News sitemaps.
An (opinionated) overview of all pages and their corresponding promotion settings.
🤖 GitHub Action to get your site indexed on Google in less than 48 hours.
SEO Tool: Software Development in the field of Natural Language Processing, Text Generation and Artificial Intelligence for and
Scrape and parse Google search results in PHP
pagespeedParseR is an R wrapper for Google Pagespeed Insights API, that also enables convenient parsing
R package that serves as an interface for interaction with the API.
VK SEO tools in ASP.NET Core
A powerful AI content generation tool that leverages GPT-4 and LangChain to automatically create SEO-optimized blog posts and structured books. Generate professional-quality content with clean output in MDX format for blogs and DOCX for books, perfect for content creators and writers looking to streamline their workflow.