
There are 0 repository under sdev topic.

  • SDEV300jbjulia / SDEV300

    SDEV 300 Building Secure Python Applications

    Language:Python Stargazers:7
  • inshortssivaraj-dev / inshorts

    Inshorts Android App Development Hiring Challenge

    Language:Java Stargazers:3
  • LyricsMyCueCards / Lyrics

    Write, compile, and test a program named Lyrics that displays at least four lines of your favorite song. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 44, Exercise 5.

    Language:C# Stargazers:2
  • RecentlyVisitedSitesMyCueCards / RecentlyVisitedSites

    Create a project named RecentlyVisitedSites that contains a Form with a list of three LinkLabels that link to any three Web sites you choose. When a user clicks a LinkLabel, link to that site. When a user’s mouse hovers over a LinkLabel, display a brief message that explains the site’s purpose. After a user clicks a link, move the most recently selected link to the top of the list, and move the other two links down, making sure to retain the correct explanation with each link. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 652, Exercise 2.

    Language:C# Stargazers:1
  • Language:JavaScript Stargazers:1
  • FleetInventoryProjectbell-kevin / FleetInventoryProject

    SDEV 2210 Project. This project simulates the inventory for a fleet of cars. The fleet is an array of Car objects. A Car has a name and an ArrayList of Miles Per Gallon (MPG) objects. An MPG object has variables for miles, gallons, and miles per gallon, which is calculated in the constructor. The driver class will instantiate 3 Car objects and store them in an array, then add anonymous MPG objects to the ArrayList of MPG objects for each Car. This will be coded directly in the driver, no user input at this point. Using a For-Each loop, the project displays the name of the car, its total MPG and a count of the number of trips for each car. Next, the program asks the user if they want to see the MPG for the individual trips for a single car. If the answer is yes, the user enters any part of the name of the car of interest. Using another For-Each loop, the program goes through the cars to see if the input string appears anywhere in the name of the car, and when it is found, displays each of the MPG objects for that car. You may use any car names you want, and any number of trips for each car. Make sure there are different numbers of trips – look at the example, where it shows 5, 3, and 4 trips. You must have 2 classes and the driver class. Be sure to use For-Each loops to list the fleet inventory, to find the specific car, and to print the individual trips. The miles and gallons must be added to the MPG array list using anonymous objects. Run the project and take a screenshot.

    Language:Java Stargazers:
  • milesPerGallonbell-kevin / milesPerGallon

    Create a project that calculates miles per gallon for a given trip, and accumulates the miles and gallons to calculate an overall MPG for the vehicle. Create a class named MPG that includes private instance variables for miles, gallons, and mpg, which are doubles. Add class variables for totalMiles, totalGallons, and totalMPG, which are doubles, and numTrips, which is an integer. Create a constructor which accepts 2 double parameters, one for miles, one for gallons. Inside the constructor, set the instance variables for miles and gallons, and calculate the mpg. Add to the class variables for totalMiles and TotalGallons, and increment the number of trips. Create an instance method named displayCurrentMPG() which displays the MPG variable for a specific trip object. Create a class method named displayTotalMPG() which calculates and displays the overall MPG for all of the trip objects. The driver class will instantiate 4 trips, display the MPG for each trip, and display the overall MPG. For the sample session, use the following values: Trip1: miles = 320, gallons = 29 Trip2: miles = 325.8, gallons = 32.1 Trip3: miles = 412.5, gallons = 35 Trip4: miles = 345, gallons = 32.6 Note that these 4 trips test all the possible combinations of variable types – 2 integers, 2 doubles, 1 integer and 1 double, 1 double and 1 integer. It’s always good practice to test all possible situation. Be sure to match the formatting of the numbers. Once the program works as it should to match the sample session, run the project twice more, with different numbers for every trip, and take screenshots of the results.

    Language:Java Stargazers:
  • MilesPerGallonOfGasbell-kevin / MilesPerGallonOfGas

    SDEV 2210 Project. Create a project that calculates miles per gallon for a given trip, and accumulates the miles and gallons to calculate an overall MPG for the vehicle. Create a class named MPG that includes private instance variables for miles, gallons, and mpg, which are doubles. Add class variables for totalMiles, totalGallons, and totalMPG, which are doubles, and numTrips, which is an integer. Create a constructor which accepts 2 double parameters, one for miles, one for gallons. Inside the constructor, set the instance variables for miles and gallons, and calculate the mpg. Add to the class variables for totalMiles and TotalGallons, and increment the number of trips. Create an instance method named displayCurrentMPG( ) which displays the MPG variable for a specific trip object. Create a class method named displayTotalMPG( ) which calculates and displays the overall MPG for all of the trip objects. The driver class will instantiate 4 trips, display the MPG for each trip, and display the overall MPG. For the sample session, use the following values: Trip1: miles = 320, gallons = 29 Trip2: miles = 325.8, gallons = 32.1 Trip3: miles = 412.5, gallons = 35 Trip4: miles = 345, gallons = 32.6 Note that these 4 trips test all the possible combinations of variable types – 2 integers, 2 doubles, 1 integer and 1 double, 1 double and 1 integer. It’s always good practice to test all possible situation. Once the program works as it should to match the sample session, run the project twice more, with different numbers for every trip, and take screenshots of the results.

    Language:Java Stargazers:
  • testingRandomNumbersbell-kevin / testingRandomNumbers

    Testing Random Numbers Project SDEV 1060 Project. A senior developer is working on a project and has asked you to do some testing for him. One of the methods in his project creates a random number between supplied minimum and maximum values. He has written the method that will create that random number, run it a few times, and thinks it looks good, but just to make sure, he has asked you to thoroughly test the method. That method looks like this: In Java: public static int getRN(int min, int max) { Random rng = new Random( ); int answer = rng.nextInt((max - min + 1) + min); return answer; } In C#: public static int getRN(int min, int max) { Random rng = new Random( ); int answer = rng.Next(min, max + 1); return answer; } You put it into a small program to test it. Note that the program does not need any code in the main method, because you are this single method. Add it in the main class file, below the main method, not in a separate class. It would be a good practice to add code in the main class that asks the user for minimum and maximum values, or that has hard-coded min and max values, then calls this random number generator method, and displays the result. That is a good way to make sure the method runs as expected in your program and environment (it checks if you typed everything correctly). Since you are testing just the single method, and have no idea what it is being used for in the main method, there is no need for any code in the main method -- other than to test that your version of the method under test was typed correctly and will compile. In a test method, how can you assert that a random number is equal to a specific number? You can't, because the number should be random, so you can't predict the expected result. But you can assert that the random number falls within the range expected. You have written assertions with variables for expected and actual results, or literal values. You can also write expressions in the assertion. For example, if the method under test adds 2 numbers together and returns the sum, you could write an assertion like this: (Java) assertEquals(n1 + n2, actualResult) or (C#) Assert.AreEqual(n1 + n2, actualResult) The phrase "n1 + n2" is an expression that calculates the expected result in this example. Another example is checking for valid input, where the input number needs to be between 1 and 100 inclusive -- that means 1 and 100 are both valid results. How would you write that code to validate the input? It could look like this: if (inputValue >= 1 && inputValue <= 100) { do something } You can use that same type of expression in an assertion. That test would look like this as an assertion: (Java) assertTrue(inputValue >= 1 && inputValue <= 100) (C#) Assert.IsTrue(inputValue >= 1 && inputValue <= 100) If the relational tests (input value is greater than, equal, less than, etc) and the relational test (AND) are all true, the assertion passes, which means that the input value is valid, in this example. For random numbers, you can't specify an expected result, but you can check that the result is within the acceptable range. If it is true that the random number falls in the range, then the method worked correctly. The "arrange" stage of this test needs to know the range for the random numbers. What is the "act" stage of this test? You need to run the method from the other developer (above) and get the result, the random number. You learned how to test a static method in a previous assignment; you will do the same here. The method being tested returns the random number, which is the "actual" value that needs to be compared to the "expected" value. In this case, you will need to check if the random number falls within the expected range. For this assignment, that range is the numbers 20 to 29 inclusive. What is the "assert" stage of this test? You will assert that it is true that the actual result from the method is within the range. Be sure to add the optional message that will display if the test fails, and have it display the generated random number, which isn't in the range and caused the test to fail. Make sure you type the method exactly as you see it above as the static method in the main class. For this assignment, you want 10 possible random numbers starting at 20, so the possible numbers are 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. Run this test. Does it pass or fail? The programmer who gave it to you said he had run it a few times and it looked good. Does it? If it does, will it suffice to run it a few times? No, that is not at all thorough for testing the happy path and edge values -- you have no way of being sure the edges were ever tested with random numbers. You need to test it many many times, repeatedly calling the random number method to check it. How do you get repetition in any program? Use a loop. A unit test is code just like all the code you've written in any program, with the addition of the Assert methods. You know how to write loops, you can add a loop within the unit test method. As part of the act step, use a For loop that runs many times (20 or 500 or 1,000 times, whatever seems appropriate); inside the loop, run the test you just created, where it calls the method and then asserts that it is true that the result is within the range given. If you have a bunch of assertions, if any one fails, none of the following ones will run. If you use a loop of 20 executions of the test, and it fails on the first one, it didn't run any others. You will not see reports like "passed 10 and failed 10" -- if it fails once, it's over. You have to keep fixing and running the code until all tests are successful. Run the test 200 times in a loop, to test the method multiple times. When you run the test, it should fail, there is an error in that code. See the discussion below to figure out the problem, fix it, and test it again. Keep working on it until all the tests are successful. Then run the test 5,000 times, to make sure it works as it should. Take a screenshot of your fixed code for the method, of your test code, and of the last successful test that ran 5,000 times. Submission: screenshots specified and the root folder for the project Discussion Random numbers have a minimum and maximum value. In some languages, you need to specify the number of numbers (Java) or scope (C#) and the starting value (Java) or shift (C#). The methods above have a phrase to get the number of numbers -- max - min + 1, that seems like it would be appropriate. In Java: The formula for generating random numbers is rng.nextInt(number of numbers). If there is a starting value, such as 1 or 50 or whatever, it needs to be added to the random number. So the formula for Java is: startingValue + rng.nextInt(number of numbers). It could also be written with the starting value at the end: rng.nextInt(number of numbers) + startingValue. Look carefully at the pattern provided above: rng.nextInt ( (max - min + 1) + min ) If we resolve some of that code, do the math in the inner parentheses, it becomes rng.nextInt ( (num) + min ) Once the math inside the inner parentheses is done, we can drop those parentheses, and this becomes rng.nextInt ( num + min ) which becomes rng.nextInt (someNumber) There is no term for the starting number to be added to this random number -- it was used inside of the parentheses for the parameter for rng.nextInt(). In the formula above, the number of numbers, inside the parentheses that follow rng.nextInt, does more than provide the number of numbers, it also adds the min or starting point to that number of numbers. If the random number generator is supposed to use 10 numbers that start with 20, that would be the numbers 20, 21, 22, 23, ... 29. The formula above says that the number of numbers is that 10 plus the min value of 20, so the number of numbers is now 30. And there is no starting value, so the random number generator will create a number from 0 to 30. Thus it is possible to get numbers that are less than the intended starting point of 20, and one higher than the intended max value of 29. How do you fix that pattern so the parameter for rng.nextInt() has only the number of numbers in it, and the starting value is separate, added to that random number? In C#: The pattern for random numbers in C# is a little different from the pattern for Java. They are so similar in so much code, but there is a difference for creating random numbers. There are several patterns, but the one intended here is: (int) rng.Next(starting value, ending value + 1) The rng.Next() method always returns a double, so it must have the cast to an integer at the beginning. There are 2 parameters, the shift (starting or min value) and the scope. That scope or max value will never be included in the possible random numbers, hence the "+1" in the pattern. If the code was: (int) rng.Next(20, 30) it would create a random number with the smallest possible number of 20 (the starting point) and the highest number will be 29, because it cannot go to 30. That value of 30 is the next integer after the highest one allowed. So this pattern also uses min and max values, but the shift and scope are represented differently. If min is 20 and max is 30, look at how the code provided works out: (int) rng.Next(max - min + 1, min) becomes (int) rng.Next( 30 - 20 + 1, 20) which becomes (int) rng.Next(11, 20) That means that the smallest number can be 11, and the largest number is one less than 20, or 19. The range of 11 to 19 is nothing at all like the intended range of 10 numbers starting at 20, or 20 to 29. None of the values generated with that pattern in the code provided would be valid. How do you fix the pattern in the code provided above? == We're Using GitHub Under Protest == This project is currently hosted on GitHub. This is not ideal; GitHub is a proprietary, trade-secret system that is not Free and Open Souce Software (FOSS). We are deeply concerned about using a proprietary system like GitHub to develop our FOSS project. We have an [open {bug ticket, mailing list thread, etc.} ](INSERT_LINK) where the project contributors are actively discussing how we can move away from GitHub in the long term. We urge you to read about the [Give up GitHub]( campaign from [the Software Freedom Conservancy]( to understand some of the reasons why GitHub is not a good place to host FOSS projects. If you are a contributor who personally has already quit using GitHub, please [check this resource](INSERT_LINK) for how to send us contributions without using GitHub directly. Any use of this project's code by GitHub Copilot, past or present, is done without our permission. We do not consent to GitHub's use of this project's code in Copilot. ![Logo of the GiveUpGitHub campaign](

    Language:Java Stargazers:
  • Language:Java Stargazers:
  • Animation_On_Button_ClickMyCueCards / Animation_On_Button_Click

    Instructions: Make a photo move after a button is clicked.

    Language:Java Stargazers:
  • ChatAWhileMyCueCards / ChatAWhile

    The Chat-A-While phone company provides service to six area codes and charges the per-minute rates for phone calls shown in Figure 6-25. Write a program named ChatAWhile that stores the area codes and rates in parallel arrays and allows a user to enter an area code and the length of time for a call in minutes, and then display the total cost of the call. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 265, Exercise 6.

    Language:C# Stargazers:
  • FiveColors2MyCueCards / FiveColors2

    Create a project named FiveColors2. Its Form contains at least five RadioButton objects, each labeled with a color. When the user clicks a RadioButton, change the BackColor of the Form appropriately. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 603, Exercise 3.

    Language:C# Stargazers:
  • FoodOrderMyCueCards / FoodOrder

    Create a program for The Cactus Cantina named FoodOrder that accepts a user’s choice from the options in the accompanying table. Allow the user to enter either an integer item number or a string description. Pass the user’s entry to one of two overloaded GetDetails() methods, and then display a returned string with all the order details. The method version that accepts an integer looks up the description and price; the version that accepts a string description looks up the item number and price. The methods return an appropriate message if the item is not found. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 349, Exercise 3.

    Language:C# Stargazers:
  • HurricaneMyCueCards / Hurricane

    The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale classifies hurricanes into five categories numbered 1 through 5. Write an application named Hurricane that outputs a hurricane’s category based on the user’s input of the wind speed. Category 5 hurricanes have sustained winds of at least 157 miles per hour. The minimum sustained wind speeds for categories 4 through 1 are 130, 111, 96, and 74 miles per hour, respectively. Any storm with winds of less than 74 miles per hour is not a hurricane. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 186, Exercise 4.

    Language:C# Stargazers:
  • InvoiceMyCueCards / Invoice

    Add the seven TextView widgets and one EditText widget to the layout. Set the id and text properties of each widget. The app should allow you to enter a subtotal, but that shouldn’t cause the discount percent, discount amount, or total values to change. Taken from Murach's Android Programming, 2nd Edition by Joel Murach. Page 53, Exercise 2-2.

    Language:Java Stargazers:
  • InvoiceTotalMyCueCards / InvoiceTotal

    Using app from 2-2, this updates the fields to calculate tip and total based on user entry. It also takes into consideration rotation of smartphone and changes the launch icon. Taken from Murach's Android Programming, 2nd Edition by Joel Murach. Page 91, Exercise 3-1.

    Language:Java Stargazers:
  • Loops_On_Button_ClickMyCueCards / Loops_On_Button_Click

    Instructions: Loops - Create the app that uses loops on button clicks, which show in the log.

    Language:Java Stargazers:
  • MilesToKilometersGUIMyCueCards / MilesToKilometersGUI

    Write a GUI program named MilesToKilometersGUI that allows the user to input a distance in miles and output the value in kilometers. There are 1.6 kilometers in a mile. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 134, Exercise 1.

    Language:C# Stargazers:
  • MultiplicationMyCueCards / Multiplication

    Create an application named Multiplication whose Main() method asks the user to input an integer and then calls a method named DisplayMultiplicationTable(), which displays the results of multiplying the integer by each of the numbers 2 through 10. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 307, Exercise 6.

    Language:C# Stargazers:
  • PythonProgramming_LiangMyCueCards / PythonProgramming_Liang

    Various exercises from the book "Introduction to Programming Using Python" by Y. Daniel Liang

    Language:Python Stargazers:
  • Sound_On_Button_ClickMyCueCards / Sound_On_Button_Click

    Instructions: Audio - find a sound that is free to use (such as an animal sound). Create an app that uses the sound.

    Language:Java Stargazers:
  • SubscriptExceptionTestMyCueCards / SubscriptExceptionTest

    Write a program named SubscriptExceptionTest in which you declare an array of 20 doubles and store values in the array. Write a try block in which you place a loop that prompts the user for a subscript value and displays the value stored in the corresponding array position. Create a catch block that catches any IndexOutOfRangeException and displays an appropriate error message. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 537, Exercise 1.

    Language:C# Stargazers:
  • TestFileAndDirectoryMyCueCards / TestFileAndDirectory

    Create a program named TestFileAndDirectory that allows a user to continually enter directory names until the user types end. If the directory name exists, display a list of the files in it; otherwise, display a message indicating the directory does not exist. If the directory exists and files are listed, prompt the user to enter one of the filenames. If the file exists, display its creation date and time; otherwise, display a message indicating the file does not exist. Create as many test directories and files as necessary to test your program. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 702, Exercise 1.

    Language:C# Stargazers:
  • TestHockeyPlayerMyCueCards / TestHockeyPlayer

    Create an application named TestHockeyPlayer that instantiates and displays a HockeyPlayer object. The HockeyPlayer class contains fields for a player’s name (a string), jersey number (an integer), and goals scored (an integer). Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 417, Exercise 1.

    Language:C# Stargazers:
  • TipCalculatorMyCueCards / TipCalculator

    Modified the Tip Calculator app that’s presented in chapter 6, so it uses the OnKeyListener interface to handle Key events instead of using the OnEditorActionListener interface to handle Key events. Taken from Murach's Android Programming, 2nd Edition by Joel Murach. Page 195, Exercise 6-2

    Language:Java Stargazers:
  • TippingTable3MyCueCards / TippingTable3

    In a “You Do It” section of this chapter, you created a tipping table for patrons to use when analyzing their restaurant bills. Now, create a modified program named TippingTable3 in which each of the following values is obtained from user input: - The lowest tipping percentage - The highest tipping percentage - The lowest possible restaurant bill - The highest restaurant bill. Taken from Microsoft Visual C# 2015: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 6th Edition by Joyce Farrell. Page 255, Exercise 11.

    Language:C# Stargazers:
  • sdev.esSdev-gg /

    The landing page

    Language:TypeScript Stargazers: