There are 1 repository under report-engine topic.
Nop Platform 2.0 is a next-generation low-code development platform built from scratch based on the principles of reversible computation, adopting a language-oriented programming paradigm. It includes a suite of fully designed engines such as a GraphQL engine, ORM engine, workflow engine, reporting engine, rule engine, and batch processing engine,
:page_facing_up: Fluent Reports - Data Driven Reporting Engine for Node.js and Browsers :page_facing_up:
FastReport Open Source Documentation
Community Tasks/Plans for PlumHound Queueing
ASP.NET Core MVC samples for Reports.WEB embedded reporting components, Visual Studio C# projects, and .NET Standard 2.1, .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5.0, .NET 6.0, .NET 7.0, .NET 8.0 report builder, compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS systems
JavaScript samples for Reports.JS reporting components for React applications
Reports.PHP is a report generator intended to create, view, print, and export reports online using client-server technology. Includes the JS report engine, report designer and viewer. Support PHP 5, PHP 7, and PHP 8 versions.
JavaScript samples for Reports.JS report builder for Vue.js applications
ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core samples for Reports.ANGULAR report builder, Visual Studio C# projects, and .NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 versions, and .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5.0, .NET 6.0, .NET 7.0, .NET 8.0 report engine
Reporting service that allows you to obtain customized PDF and CSV reports using .docx extension report templates created in Jinja2 format.
Report Engine with Webix Spreadsheet
Standalone command line spring-boot application to generate excel report on a server. Provision to generate report yearly, monthly, daily, weekly. To be used in conjuncture with cronjobs scheduling