There are 0 repository under range-slider-component topic.
Accessible, CSS agnostic, slider component for React.
Vue 3 slider component with multihandles, tooltips merging and formatting (+Tailwind CSS support).
:iphone: :large_blue_circle::heavy_minus_sign::large_blue_circle: An iOS range selection slider compatible with UIKit and SwiftUI. Developed using autolayout and highly customizable using IBDesignabled and IBInspectable or programmatically. It support also RTL (right to left) languages automatically out of the box.
A range slider with tooltips for React Bootstrap (Bootstrap 4) that extends the HTML input element.
{{range-slider}} component for ember-cli powered by noUiSlider
D3.js based data-driven range slider, date time support
Customizable slider (range) component for JavaScript with no dependencies
A light, pure js range slider component for react
Easy to use static Thumb Slider with multiple thumbs.
A Library of UI Control Elements to Track and Dynamically Overlay Analytic Provenance
Vanilla JavaScript Range-Slider
Android Library to Customize, Show Range Slider With 2 Thumbs, Custom Thumbs, Steps, Dynamic Colors, Dynamic Range
Realization of a range-slider component using Vanilla Javascript. Aimed skills: OOP, MVC, functional programming, Documentation, TDD, UML diagram, Airbnb style guide, etc.
html5 range slider react component