There are 1 repository under r1cs topic.
gnark is a fast zk-SNARK library that offers a high-level API to design circuits. The library is open source and developed under the Apache 2.0 license
Interfaces for Relations and SNARKs for these relations
A Rust library for the Marlin preprocessing zkSNARK
Tutorial for writing constraints in the `arkworks` framework
Interfaces and implementations of cryptographic primitives, along with R1CS constraints for them
R1CS constraints for bits, fields, and elliptic curves
Arithmatic circuits convertible to R1CS based on Bulletproofs
Circuit components definition library for zkLLVM circuit compiler
Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems for =nil; Crypto3 C++ Cryptography Suite.
A compiler to turn GO code into a zkSNARK
Library built from scratch to implement zk-protocols
A Rust library for the preprocessing zkSNARK of Groth and Maller
Moda Palas Blackboard Cryptography II - Arithmetic Circuits & R1CS
This project implements a set of basic operations as an R1CS circuit using the Rust programming language. An R1CS (Rank-1 Constraint System) is widely used in cryptography and privacy, for example, in the implementation of zero-knowledge proof systems (zkSNARKs).
This example uses the libsnark library to define an R1CS (Rank-1 Constraint System) that represents a simple circuit, where the output is the product of two input values. It then generates a proof for this circuit using the ppzkSNARK proof system provided by libsnark, and verifies the proof using the same library.
Zero-knowledge proofs on Ethereum (master thesis)