There are 0 repository under profanity-check topic.
🤬 🚫 Blasp is a profanity filter package for Laravel that helps detect and mask profane words in a given sentence. It offers a robust set of features for handling variations of offensive language, including substitutions, obscured characters, and doubled letters.
Vocab-based profanity checking tool for English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Turkish.
a robust AI library for detecting profanity in russian language (regex/SVM based), библиотека для детекции нецензурных слов в русском языке
Potty Mouth: A GitHub Action profanity filter written in .NET, leveraging Native AOT compilation.
A GitHub action that monitors PR/issue comments and warns senders who used offensive language.
moderation is a profanity filter for Go
Bleepy is a Python program that can block Tagalog and English profanity in audio and videos.
This is a python API which allows you to check for swear words in a youtube video, srt file, text file, custom source with multi language support. There are additional features like getting youtube transcript of a video, srt parser etc.
An open-source PHP profanity filter.
NPM Package Hosted and updated bad words filter used for filtering in public applications
A python package to standardize profanity obfuscation. Published at ACL 2023.
An all-in-one Discord bot offering fun mini-games, efficient server management, and basic music playing.
A javascript filter for profanity with the ability to display the first and/or last letters of the blocked word.
WSGI API runner for profanity-check
Bleepy Server is the web version of python program can block Tagalog and English profanity audio in videos.
A multilingual profanity database, designed to facilitate content moderation, linguistic research, and application development that involves handling profane language across different languages.
A small module for detecting and censoring profane words in Bahasa Indonesia 🇮🇩. Written in Go.
A tool for defusing F-bombs in video and audio content
A fast, robust library to check for offensive language in strings. This version of "profanity-check" is used by Bleepy.
Checks the profanity in the word or sentence. To check send a post request with message to the provided url.