There are 0 repository under portfolio-selection topic.
Entropy Pooling views and stress-testing combined with Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) portfolio optimization in Python.
A JavaScript library to allocate and optimize financial portfolios.
Entropy Pooling in Python with a BSD 3-Clause license.
Jiahao Li, Yong Zhang, Xingyu Yang, and Liangwei Chen. "Online portfolio management via deep reinforcement learning with high-frequency data" Information Processing & Management, 2023, 60(3): 103247.
This package offers both traditional benchmark and newly developed Online Portfolio Selection (OPS) algorithms implementation.
Implementation and tests of MAMR and PAMR active portfolio management for binance cryptocurrency assets.
Online portfolio selection is a fundamental problem in computational finance, which has been extensively studied across several research communities, including finance, statistics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data mining, etc. This article aims to provide a comprehensive survey and a structural understanding of published online portfolio selection techniques.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Portfolio Selection Papers
This depository contains ETC equity reports derived from macroeconomic, industry-level analysis and fundamental research. It is mainly used as the equity component of the ETC Academy portfolio and benchmark stock pool for later stock selection algorithms and managed portfolios in the ETC student fund. Starting from the third quarter of 2020, the eqity research team has shifted equity research focus to more specialized industry analysis, particularly in Fincial Technology(DeFi), Semiconductors(and relavant electronic instruments down the production chain), Health and Medical services.
CVaR Portfolio Optimization in High Dimensions
Yong Zhang, Jiahao Li, Xingyu Yang, and Hong Lin. "Aggregating exponential gradient expert advice for online portfolio selection under transaction costs" Journal of the Operational Research Society, , 2023, 74(8): 1940-1953.
Historical performance of single-sort investment strategies.
Portfolio Selection, Weight Optimization, and Backtesting with Sentiment analysis and ML return predictions
Yong Zhang, Jiahao Li, Xingyu Yang, and Jianliang Zhang. "Competitive online strategy based on improved exponential gradient expert and aggregating method" Computational Economics, 2023.
R project in Google Summer of Code 2017 -- Bayesian Hierarchical Models in Finance (Student Application)
Implementing various portfolio selection strategies