There are 1 repository under pmi topic.
A web-based project management system featuring gantt charts, time logging, and an extendable module system.
An interactive map of Stack Exchange tags for all sites.
发现新词 无监督词库生成 医学词库生成 发现未登录词
A set of metrics for feature selection from text data
multiprocess unsupervised chinese_detect_words ngram_combination
🧮 Python package to construct word embeddings for small data using PMI and SVD
Quality Metrics for Topic Modeling
Codes for "Part mutual information for quantifying direct associations in networks"
Quizolytics is a natural language processer to analyze question datasets and extract meaningful insights from them.
The Project Importer handles importing project plans from other tools into Web2project. At present, it imports Microsoft Project 2003 and earlier, Microsoft Project 2007 (when saved as a Project 2003 XML file), and WBS Gantt Chart Pro v4.4.
An OpenSource tool to get performance Metrics from WebSphere PMI and send them to a Graphite Server.
A repository consists of text classification using GCN on FHIR dataset, node classification and label propagation.
Discovers new ontological categories (WordNet synsets) for words based on their lexicosyntactic patterns in Wikipedia
This application was built to help PMI candidates to prepare for PMP certification
Using user data from Experience Project website to uncover association patterns among trendy topics
Versione git di gazie (non ufficiale) sincronizzata dal repository svn costantemente aggiornata
NYU DS-GA 1012
Web Scraper for UTD PMI. Scraper untuk mengambil data UTD PMI (Unit Transfusi Darah, Palang Merah Indonesia) menggunakan python
Repository for testing how good Bayesian phylogenetic algorithms fare with automated vs gold cognate judgments
I’m super excited to share that I just passed the PMP exam with Above Target (AT) in all three domains
This is the repository containing the data used for and created while writing the article "Digital Approaches to Analyzing and Translating Emotion: What Is Love?" The creation of this data has been funded by the Academy of Finland (decision numbers 298647, 312051, and 330727).
Program to generate Luminovo CSV file from PMI database.
Sistem manajemen berbasis Java NetBeans dan phpMyAdmin untuk mengelola data posko pelayanan PMI, termasuk pendataan stok darah, relawan, dan kebutuhan darurat.
Distributed Computing using PySpark
Collect PMI PMP Exam Dumps for candidates. 100% Free PMP pdf Files With Updated and Accurate Questions & Answers for passing the exam Quickly:
Documentación para administrar un proyecto movible PMI-2020. Catedra de gestion de proyectos. UNLAM
The Tokenizer is a versatile text processing library written in Visual Basic (VB.NET). It provides functionalities for tokenizing text into words, sentences, characters, and n-grams. The library is designed to be flexible, customizable, and easy to integrate into your VB.NET projects.