There are 0 repository under pinia-plugin-persist topic.
About a modern Vue Admin. It is based on Vue3 and TSX,It's flexible
This is a Tiktok Clone made with Nuxt 3, Vue JS, Laravel (API), Tailwind CSS, and Pinia
This is a Tiktok Clone (API) made with Nuxt 3, Vue JS, Laravel (API), Tailwind CSS, and Pinia
This is an Uber Clone made with Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, Node JS, Pinia, and Google Maps
This is a Amazon Clone made with Vue 3, Laravel, Tailwind CSS, Stripe, and Inertia JS
A mini Music Social Network to share your music/videos with other users around the world.
This is a Gmail Clone made with Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, Node JS, Pinia, and Firebase clone why ? it's just practice 🤔 📊 </>
这是一个基于Vite4.X + Vue3.X + TypeScript + Naive UI + Pinia + VueRouter + Unocss + Alova + Eslint + Prettier + husky + lint-staged + commitlint + commitizen + cz-customizable+ conventional-changelog构建的标准的vue项目模板。整个项目包依赖采用pnpm进行依赖管理,Node版本为16.17.0, 同时也集成了项目中常用的插件,包含组件自动导入API
This is a Coding Challenge. The main goal is to clone the Password Manager LastPass using Nuxt 3, Vue.JS 3 and TailwindCSS.
A full functional Vue.js project created to replicate the functionality of IMDb website.
This project was created with the purpose of testing the pinia-plugin-persistedstate library which serves to maintain the state of pinia even if the page is reloaded, it maintains the state in the localStorage.
Projeto de estatísticas de formula 1 feito em vue.js, com tabela do campeonato de pilotos e construtores, gráfico de desempenho e resultados das corridas.
Todo App Vue And Mongodb
Laravel VueJs Hostel Management System
Marketplace built on Nuxt 3, Vue 3, Pinia, Sass(BEM)
🎉vue3+element-plus+ts 后台模板
Eres libre de usar las funciones dentro del proyecto, el uso indebido del mismo queda bajo tu responsabilidad una vez lo descargues (NO USES GIT CLONE). También queda a tu tarea escudriñar el código, siéntete libre de travesearlo.
This site was created by using Vuejs, Typescript, Bootstrap and more.
Online Pos Platform build with Laravel , Sanctum , Vite.js , Vue.js , Pinia and Tailwindcss .
pinia-sf-persistence-storage 一个持久化pinia插件
vite4+vuetify+pinia+ts 绝美的中台管理系统
This is an example starter project, using Nuxt 3 (composition API) with Firebase and Pinia to auth users in client-side
Media Social Application with VUE 3
a Professional startup website for Muhammad Zaki's for IT.
Nuxt 3 + Typescript + Firebase + Pinia + Tailwind = Custom Online Store.
A ski destination booking app that lets users explore and book packages with a seamless, modern interface. Built with Vue 3.
Experimental e-comerce platform built on top of Vue3 / Vuetify3 / Tailwind3 / Vite3
Experimental composable using google location data
Un petit réseau social musical permettant le partage de vos morceaux et vidéos musicales avec des utilisateurs du monde entier.