There are 1 repository under php-server topic.
MyServer is your own localhost web server. you can setup PHP, Apache, Nginx and MySQL servers on your android devices or linux like Ubuntu etc. MyServer is Developed for android terminal like Termux or GNURoot Debian terminal.
Visual Studio Code extension to quickly serve your PHP projects :)
🏎️ ripple official high-performance driver
Easy way to setup a PHP development environment
A powerful, robust and API-first, PHP framework that helps people from different PHP backgrounds work on the same project seamlessly. You can write Laravel, CakePHP, Slim, Symphone and Procedural PHP code inside it and it all works perfectly. Its the PHP Framework for everyone.
A bridge to use SlimPHP within ReactPHP
Fine-tuning on the PHP built-in web server
A working php server with electronjs fully customizable & easy to use
alpine + nginx + php-fpm + dockerize = easy PHP app server goodness
A small library to help run PHP local server easily and quickly.
PHP Router for PHP Built-in Webserver
This repository provides a set of configuration files and a script to set up a PHP, Apache, and MySQL server in Termux.
⚡️ A full-stack server framework for PHP based on Swoole
A Flutter application to perform basic CRUD operations on MySQL database.
Pure PHP Server Router (Yan Santos Policarpo)
This library is WordPress Docker setup which uses SQLite database and PHP built-in web server.
El siguiente repositorio está destinado a almacenar el código fuente de la página oficial del Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Mexicali.
A Docker image that provides the usage for PHP built-in server.
Simple PHP development web server for Spiral Framework
Provides easy access to certain details available in the global $_SERVER variable.