There are 2 repositories under openrtb topic.
Real Time Bidding (RTB) - Demand Side Platform framework
Curated list of awesome Real Time Bidding ( RTB) frameworks, libraries, resources and other related to RTB things
Code Generators and Extensions for vanilla-rtb stack
Scala Real Time Bidding System using open-rtb protocol (openrtb) [IAB open RTB 2.3 specs] - Simulation
This library supports RTB development for Open RTB common price encryption in Golang.
This is a library with OpenRTB v2.5 and v3.0 types. Library allows to build and validate OpenRTB objects.
S2S Header Bidding Server
integration of real-time bidding framework with blockchains
Conversion routines between Structured User Agent and User Agent Client Hints
Model classes as per OpenRTB 2.5 spec along with Utilities and Protocol buffer structures
Open RTB 2.5 Implementation in GoLang
This is a demo project designed to illustrate using Rill to analyze programmatic bid logs using the canonical open RTB framework.
Skeleton project for building an OpenRTB service using Erlang and Elli.
Sample Data Augmentor for Beeswax
RapidPrebidServer - Ad Demo Page
OpenRTB protocol definitions and DTOs for Golang. Parsed/Serialized with EasyJSON
Easily compare the difference of multiple openRTB request signals
JS client for s2s header bidding server
TypeScript type definitions for IAB Tech Lab's AdCOM/OpenRTB/Native-Ad specification