There are 7 repositories under openapi-generator topic.
OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
Generate Go client and server boilerplate from OpenAPI 3 specifications
Sane and flexible OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST framework.
A node package wrapper for
A FastAPI based low code starter/boilerplate: SQLAlchemy 2.0 (async), Postgres, React-Admin, pytest and cypress
TypeScript Backend Toolkit - Express.js - Swagger (OpenAPI 3.0) Autogenered docs, Zod - BullMQ - React Email - Mailgun - Docker - MongoDB (Mongoose) -
Ktor OpenAPI/Swagger 3 Generator
API Generator - instantly generate REST and GraphQL APIs (openapi (OAS) 3.0.0)
One SDK to rule them all, and in the codegen bind them
Swagger OpenAPI 3.x generator
Build APIs your users love ❤️ with Speakeasy. ✨ Polished and type-safe SDKs. 🌐 Terraform providers and Contract Tests for your API. OpenAPI native.
The world's sexiest OpenAPI breaking changes detector. Discover what changed between two OpenAPI specs, or a single spec over time. Supports OpenAPI 3.1, 3.0 and Swagger
TypeScript code generator via OpenAPI scheme.
A collection of Visual Studio custom tool code generators for Swagger / OpenAPI specification files
OpenAPI JSON Schema Generator allows auto-generation of API client libraries with a focus on JSON schema given an OpenAPI document
Rust Macros to automate the addition of Paths/Schemas to Utoipa crate, simulating Reflection during the compilation phase
Openapi Generator for Dart/Flutter
OpenAPI Generator - REST Client Generator
An opinionated OpenAPI v3 code generator for Go. Use this to generate API models and router scaffolding.
A tool to help generate Swagger specification documentation based on OAS 3.0 for Sails APIs
Intellij Plugin for openapi-generator
Creates (immutable) PHP model classes from JSON-Schema files including all validation rules as PHP code
Generate SDKs and docs for your API
This is a Maven plugin designed to help developers automatizing the creation of code classes from YML files based on AsyncApi and OpenAPI.
Serverless plugin to export your config as OpenAPI v3 Documentation and Postman Collection V2
🍷 Extensible, typed API tooling — from generated OpenAPI clients to server-side utilities, for any JavaScript runtime
Generate a type-safe TanStack Query React ✨ client from your OpenAPI document
Open API (OAS 3.0) Typescript generator
an OpenAPI 3.0 & 3.1 interface & model java code generator for Spring Boot