There are 1 repository under odinproject topic.
This is my own Odin Project Vault
A simple Todo List built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
A compilation of my projects for The Odin Project, an open source full stack web development course.
Etch-a-sketch Game from Odin Project.
A dedicated repo for Odin Project learning.
A simple page for a fictitious salad bar.
An admin dashboard made with CSS grid.
A simple neumorphic calculator.
A sign-up form created as part of The Odin Project's curriculum.
Recipe Web Page
This is the reposit I will be using through Odin Project Curriculum.
Site para consultar o tempo em diversas cidades utilizando as APIs da openWeatherMap e da Google para sugestões de cidades.
A project from the odin project where you make a web application for recipes.
The adventures of Bradley Mitchell - a project for the Odin Project
Odin Project: Etch-a-Sketch
The Odin Project | Assignment | Odin Recipes
Odin Project: Landing Page solutions
Odin Project: Rock Paper Scissors
This project is intended to give you a chance to flex some of the new items you’ve been absorbing over the past few lessons. This time it’s a sign-up form for an imaginary service.
Todo-list Web App