There are 0 repository under number-system-converter topic.
Convert any number system to other like Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal.
Number System Converter and Calculator for Android
Number Conversion provides functions to convert a number from one base to another.
Simple GUI based Number system converter
Convert any number system to other, like Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal easily.
A number system (decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal) converter made with Javascript
numbers-to-words-converter lets you expand numbers to words. There are other auxiliary functions that might help you achieve other things while you are at it.
Private Projects – Source Code can be shared on demand
Girilen tüm sayı sistemleri arasında dönüşüm yapan program. Basit ve sade bir arayüz ile tüm dönüşüm işlemlerini yapabilirsiniz.
This repository is dedicated to solve, draw digital electronics related problems, showing inputs and outputs using a truth table and so on...
convert integer to binary with x86 Assembly
Bangladesh National Curriculum Education :: HSC :: ICT :octocat:
Simple GUI based Number system converter
It is a simple web page that converts numbers between different bases using JavaScript. It also verifies number before converting it into another base and inform the user. In this version whole as well as real numbers can be converted.
Website to create and use your own number system, with any base and any characters
Web interface + Python logic
Simple React client to convert the numbers given in one number system to another.
A number system converter implemented in C language.
A converter between complex number and its binary representation
Simple tool for conversions and calculations between binary, octal ,decimal and hexdecimal number systems developed using Kivy in Python
You can convert any number system to any number system which is available in this application
Various programs on number system (based on console).
🧮 A Python program that converts numbers from one number base to another.
The project includes interactive convertors, detailed documentation, and step-by-step guidance for performing experiments. The convertors available in the lab include a coordinate convertor, a number system convertor, an air conditioning mate, and a Gray modulo-10 convertor.
8051 MCU calculator in converting number system then display on LCD, simulated on Proteus 8 in Assembly.
Program to convert between different number systems
Its a project for easy base conversion.
Number System Converter - using python
Разработка десктопного приложения "Калькулятор систем счисления" на ЯП Java при помощи библиотеки Swing и класса BigInteger.
Creating a number system converter to convert between Binary, Decimal, and Hexadecimal numbers. Applying a GUI to the converter for ease of use.
Utility for converting numbers between different systems (with step shown) ♻⚡
Python project given by my professor in RK university
A Web App to Calculate, Convert between Number Systems. Created using HTML, Next JS and Tailwind CSS